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Brett was the first one to wake up, he looked down at Melody, who was sleeping on his chest peacefully. While he was looking at her he thought back to what Bonnie told him last night.


Brett stands with Bonnie in the morgue, watching over Scott and Melody, "How did you meet Melody?" Brett breaks the silence between them.

Bonnie laughed, thinking back to how she met Melody and how their friendship started, "Well, we first met when she sacrificed my best friend in a ritual to help her brother break his curse. At first I didn't like her, in fact I hated her." Bonnie admits.

Brett look at her, "Then how did you guys become friends?" Bonnie smiled, thinking of that day.

"Her brother was forcing me to unlink her and her brothers, he was being an asshole and threatening me and the people I cared about. Melody walked in after he threatened my mom and told him if he didn't leave me alone then she would shove the white oak stake so far up his ass he wouldn't have to worry about being alone because he wouldn't be able to dig it out." Bonnie laughed just thinking about it.

"After I did the spell to unlink them she walked me out and made sure I got out safely, when I asked her why she was being so nice she told me she didn't have problem with me, that if anything she respected me for even going against her and her family to protect mine and for that she would always respect me because everything I did was for the people I cared about, just like she would." Brett smiles a little bit.

"That day I stopped hating her, I still didn't like her, but I didn't hate her." Brett looked back at Bonnie, "When did you start to like her?"

"She didn't know that Damon and Stefan killed my mom and turned her into a vampire to not only save her family but Elena as well, when she found out she immediately came and said she was sorry and that if I ever needed anything to just ask her, she didn't care if it was just to vent. I was shocked and hesitant but when I was having a mental break down and cried because of everything that happened to me, my grams dying, me finding out I was a witch, almost dying countless times, finding my mom, losing my mom, one of my best friends was turned into a vampire, just everything. I tried to call Elena but she answered and told me she was busy then hung up, I tried to call Caroline but it went right to voicemail because her phone was dead. I tried to call everyone I thought were my friends but they either didn't answer or said they were busy."

Brett frowns, seeing that the Bennett witch was an amazing person just by knowing her for a few hours.

If he had a friend like her he wouldn't take her for granted.

"There was only one person left to call and when I did she picked up on the first ring and asked me if something was wrong. I didn't have to explain anything all I told her was I needed someone and she told me she was on her way. When she got to my house she had drinks, chocolate, cupcakes, brownies, just a whole bunch of snacks. When she seen the state I was in she immediately put everything down, rushed over, and pulled me into her arms while telling me it was okay and that I was safe."

"When I finally stopped crying she told me if I wanted to talk about it she would listen and if I didn't she would wait until I was. When she left I thought she would act as if it didn't happen but she didn't, every time she saw me she would ask if I was okay, she would bring me snacks out of the blue, she was just there you know?" Bonnie explained.

Brett nodded his head, understanding what she was trying to say.

"We had our ups and downs but she was always there for me whenever I needed someone and I was always there for her. She helped me with my magic and even helped me save Elena once, she never did it again after that, but she still did it because I asked her too. She helped save someone she hates to this very day because I asked her too." Bonnie told him.

Bonnie looked at Brett, "You and your friends are lucky to have her because even when you get her mad or make her upset she will always protect you and love you with everything she has. And lord help whoever hurts her family or the people she cares about. She becomes their worst nightmare. There is only one thing she can never forgive someone she cares about doing and that's betraying her over and over again. If you betray her too many times she stops trusting you and believe me, that's the worst feeling in the world. Every once in a blue moon she will forgive and trust them again." Brett takes all that Bonnie told him.

"She will do anything to protect and help her family, even if it costs her her own LIFE in the process." Bonnie tells Brett.

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