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"Scott! That chair does not go there." Melody, Rebekah, Lydia, Lizzie, Allison, and Caroline yell, making Scott look at them sheepishly with a hint of fear in his eyes.

It's been 2 weeks since they started setting up the wedding and in those 2 weeks Melody, Rebekah, Lydia, Lizzie, Allison, and Caroline have become wedding-planning monsters and they only seem to get worse the closer it gets to the wedding, and since it's the day before the wedding they were nightmares.

The only ones safe from their wrath were Paul, Parker, Henrik, and Hayley.

"Sweetheart/hun/baby/babe/darling/hot stuff, calm down." Brett, Marcel, Stiles, MG, Issac, and Derek say as they walk up to the girls.

Melody, Rebekah, Lydia, Lizzie, Allison, and Caroline turn and glare at their lovers, making them immediately freeze.

"Idiots." Coach mumbled as he walked past them with a chair, Chris and Noah following behind him while they shake their heads at the guy's stupidity.

"They are right guys calm down, everything is okay, everything is set up, the only thing that is left is to cast the spell for the butterflies and set up a few chairs," Bonnie said as she walked over to Caroline and kisses her.

"She's right, breath, that's right, the air is good for you." Malia grinned when the girls visibly calmed down.

"And now your wedding is set up," Jackson told Melody, making her look around and grin.

"Almost." Kol said before him, Davina, Freya, and Hope mumbled a quick spell under their breaths, making butterflies appear then fly to the flowers and land on them.

"Now it's done." Melissa said. "And it's time for the guys to head out, bachelor party to get to and all." Theo said as he went and wrapped his arms around Lizzie's and MG.

Yeah, they FINALLY got together a few days ago, and let's just say that Melody cheered would be an understatement, everyone looked at her like she was crazy except for Brett, who knew why she was cheering.

When she finally explained her conversation with Anya, Qetsiyah, and Emily, with their permission of course, they all finally understood.

"And we girls need to start the bachelorette party." Hope smiles as she watches Liam put a flower in Hayley's hair.

"What time should we have him back here?" Stiles asked, making all the guys and girls wince and step back, heck, even the children gasped and said 'uh oh' when they saw Melody throw her hands up in disbelief.

"Have you not been listening to us? The wedding starts at 2pm Stiles, so what time do you think he should be here?" Stiles gulped and took a big step away from her.

"Melody, you need to calm down." Davina, Rebekah, Freya, Melissa, Allison, Lydia, Lizzie, Caroline, Bonnie, Hope, and Kira gave Melody a look that said 'calm down, we will handle this', making Melody take some deep breaths before she finally felt calm again.

"Do any of you know when to have him back?" Davina asked the guys, making all the guys including Brett nod besides Stiles.

"Good, now all of the people with a penis get out, it's currently 1:50 pm, and Brett is not allowed to see Melody for 24 hours before the wedding so that leaves you with 8 minutes to leave." Caroline and Lydia tell the men while Rebekah, Allison, and Lizzie sho them off.

"We are leaving, I just want a kiss from my fiancée." Brett walked over to Melody and kissed her while the rest of the guys did that with their wives or girlfriends.

"Don't forget about us." Brett laughed as he pulled away and saw Parker and Paul glaring at him for not hugging them goodbye.

"How could I ever forget about you guys, we're team Jacob all the way." Brett said as he picked up the twins.

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