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"Oh my god." Melissa gasped as soon as she saw the state Melody was in when Brett walked into the Animal Clinic with her in his arms.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Coach asked as Brett laid her on the operation table. "We have to pull out the blade." Jackson said, not even questioning how Coach knows, while he pointed to her chest where there was a hole in her shirt.

"What blade?" Noah asked Jackson confused.

"It looks like a simple white bone blade wrapped with cloth at the handle and it's a little curved." Ethan describes the blade.

"Gerard and Melody called it someone's blade but I don't remember whose name it is." Jackson added.

"You mean Papa Tunde's blade?" Derek asked, Jackson and Ethan nodded, "Yeah, that's what they called it." Jackson and Ethan said, making Derek, Deaton, Chris, and Allison look at each other with worry, fear, and concern on their faces.

"Why do you guys look like that?" Stiles asked while he, Scott, Isaac, Lydia, Malia, Brett, Lori, Liam, Mason, Noah, Coach, Melissa, Jackson, Ethan, Aiden, Theo, and Kira look at them confused.

"Papa Tunde's blade is able to render an Original vampire immobile due to the excruciating pain that it inflicts upon those who are stabbed with it." Deaton explains, making them look at Melody's body in shock.

"How did they even get that blade?" Deaton asked himself, "Let's pull out that blade if it's causing that much pain." "If you guys don't pull out that blade right now I will." Malia and Mason say at the same time.

"Lori grab me a scalpel." Deaton told Lori as he grabs a pair of Metzenbaum scissors and starts to cut open Melody's shirt, making her nod and immediately go and grab one then hand it to him.

Normally Brett would start to object about him cutting her shirt open and leaving her in only her bra to cover her chest, but he knew they needed to get that blade out.

"After I cut open her chest someone is going to have to reach into her chest and pull out the blade before the gash closes." Deaton told them, making them all look at Brett.

"Why are you guys looking at me?" Brett asked them confused, "You should do it." Lydia told him, making him look at her.

"Why me?" He asked confused. He really didn't want to dig inside the love of his life's chest. It made him feel like he was going to hurt her.

"Your the strongest one here so you wouldn't have any trouble pulling out the blade." Stiles told him.

"Plus, she's only in her bra, what if while one of us is digging into her chest her bra snaps in half? Then all of us will see her chest, but you are big enough so if it happens we won't see anything." Liam added, making Brett immediately walk over to Melody's side while he rolled up his sleeve.

"Good one." Stiles mumbled while him and Liam fist bump.

"Ready?" Deaton asked, making Brett nod. Deaton started to cut open Melody's chest.

When there was a big enough gash that Brett could fit his hand through, he pulled away, making Brett immediately push his hand into the gash in his girlfriend's chest.

Liam felt like fainting at the sight of his mother figure's chest cut open and bleeding while Brett dug into it, but pushed the feeling away.

He had to stay awake to see if his mother was going to be okay.

Brett pushed his hand deeper into her chest when he didn't feel the blade. He was halfway to being elbow-deep into his girlfriend's chest before he felt the hilt of the blade, making him grip it and yank it out of her chest.

"Got it." Brett told everyone, making them sigh in relief.

Chris handed Brett a washcloth so he could wipe some of the blood off of his hand, making Brett give him a grateful look.

"Brett?" Melody asked weakly, making Brett's attention immediately go to his girlfriend, "Yeah, it's me." Brett told her softly, making her sigh in relief and give him a small smile.

"You finally found me." She mumbled with sass in her voice, making him chuckle and nod, "Yes, I did." He told her, making Mason and Stiles make a sound of offense.

Melody looked behind Brett and gave a weak but huge grin when she saw all of her friends, but her face turned to shock when she saw Allison and Aiden.

"Allison? Aiden? How are you guys alive?" Melody asked with tears in her eyes.

"Anya, Qetsiyah, Emily, and Shelia said you're welcome." Allison told her softly, making Melody give a small laugh and grin.

Melody slowly tried to sit up but couldn't, making everyone chuckle and her pout. Brett wrapped his arms around her and helped sit her up then gave her a cheeky smile, making her playfully glare at him

Deaton walked over and handed her a blood bag that he got from god knows where, making her immediately drain it in less than 5 seconds.

"Thank you, uncle Alan." Deaton waved her off.
"You don't need to thank me, you're my niece and my favorite one at that." Deaton told her.

"I'm your only niece uncle Alan." Melody told him. "Which automatically makes you my favorite." He told her before he handed her another blood bag, making her laugh.

Melody drank this one slower than she did the last one and when she was done she handed it back to him before she hopped off the operation table and made a sound of victory when she didn't fall.

"We have a surprise for you." Scott said, making Melody look at him confused along with everyone else before they realized what he was talking about.

"What is it?" She asked him confused, but all he did was give her a knowing smile before he and Liam left the back room and went to Deaton's office.

"Where are they going? What's the surprise?" She looked at everyone with a confused look, but didn't get an answer the only thing she got was a knowing look.

She turned around to Deaton and was about to demand an answer when she heard 2 familiar voices behind her, "Mama." Melody heard making, her freeze and tears fill her eyes.

Melody slowly turned around and a sob immediately tore from her throat when she saw her sons in Scott and Liam's arms.

Liam and Scott put Paul and Parker down and they immediately ran over to their mother, making her immediately bend down and open her arms.

As soon as they crashed into her she held them close and as tight as she could without hurting them, "I missed you my little warriors." She sobbed, making her sons hold onto her tightly.

They didn't like it when their Mama cried, "We mi you Mama." They told her while they kissed her cheek.


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