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The first thing Melody sees when she opens her eyes is the floor and her feet barely touching it, "This looks uncomfortable," Melody slowly looked up and saw Brett.

"How are you here?" Melody asked him, confused, making him chuckle, "I'm not actually here but I am at the same time." Brett tried to explain, making Melody's face go from confused to realization.

"You're my subconscious." She mumbled, remembering when Klaus told her what happened while he was imprisoned by Papa Tunde's Blade.

"Kinda." He told her, making her look at him with confusion, "Because you and Brett completed the Soulmate bond in a way it tied your Souls together." He told her.

"So what does that make you?" She asked, still confused, "I am a part of Brett's Soul, when you guys completed the bond it made it so when you are in a state like this a part of his Soul comes into your subconscious to help you I guess." He shrugs, making Melody mumble a 'oh' before they are encased in silence.

"You're scared." 'Brett' said after what felt like an hour of silence, "No I'm not." Melody denies.

"Yes you are, but of what?" He asked her, but she stayed silent. "You're scared that no one is going to save you and that Brett didn't make it to Deaton in time." He realized, making Melody shake her head.

"No I'm not." She hisses, "Yes you are." He told her, making Melody get angry at being called out like that.

"No I'm not! I don't need you here! Go. GO!" Melody yelled, making 'Brett' sigh but disappear a second later.

Melody looked up at what she was tied to and seen the real hers hands were tied together by ropes -that where covered in wolfsbane and vervain no doubt- and the ropes went over a pipe on the ceiling then went behind her, making her look over her shoulder the best she could and seen it was wrapped around something.

(Think about the way the tomb vampires tied up Stefan Salvatore.)

Melody groaned, knowing that they were probably going to torture her and dangle her higher from the ground then let her feet touch the ground only to make her dangle again.


Scott, Malia, Liam, Lori and Brett all rush into the animal clinic, making the front door slam into the wall.

Chris, Mason, Corey, Theo, Stiles, Kira, Lydia, Isaac, and Deaton look over at them and when Deaton and Chris see the way Brett looks they immediately tell Lori and Liam to lay him down on the operation table.

"Lay him down on the table." Chris and Deaton tell Lori and Liam, making them immediately lay him down on the table.

"Is he going to be okay?" Lori asked worriedly, "Hopefully." Deaton tells her.

"Brett, I know what type of wolfsbane that is pumping through your body and I know you want to sleep but I need you to hang on, think about Melody and how she will feel if you die." Chris told Brett.

As soon as Brett heard Melody's name he knew he needed to hang on for as long as he could, "Theo, go into there and grab me a vial labeled 'Melody's Blood'." Deaton said, making Theo immediately go and grab it, "Got it." He said before he rushes back over and hands it to Deaton.

"What will her blood do?" Stiles asked Deaton, "You guys got him here too late for me to heal him the normal way so I'm going to inject Melody's blood into him." Deaton said as he filled a syringe with Melody's blood.

"What will happen?" Lori questions, "Well, it could go 2 ways." Deaton told her as he got ready to stab the syringe into Brett's chest.

"Way 1 is it could heal him or....." Chris trailed off, making everyone look at him.

"Or what?" Scott asked this time as Deaton stabbed the syringe full of Melody's blood into Brett's chest and injected him with it.

"Or he could die with it in his system." Deaton finishes for Chris as he sets the now empty syringe on to the tray next to the operation table.

"But then that would...." Stiles trailed off as he and everyone besides Chris, Deaton, Corey, Mason and Theo looked at Brett's body in shock.

"That would what?" Corey asked, "It would turn him into a hybrid, half vampire half werewolf." Chris said, making Corey, Mason, and Theo look at Brett's body in shock.


Melody dangles in silence for what felt like hours, "Brett, I'm sorry I yelled at you, please come back, I don't wanna be alone." She mumbled.

Her voice sounded so scared, weak, and broken, it would have made her angry but she was too tired and scared to care.

"I'm right here." She heard, making her look up and see 'Brett' looking at her with a reassuring smile as he leaned on a pillar in-front of her.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." She told him, making him chuckle, "Don't worry about it." He told her while he pushed off the pillar and walked closer to her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her, making her give a weak chuckle, "Like I have a magical blade impaled in my chest." She joked, making 'Brett' laugh before he abruptly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Melody asked, confused, "Someone is pulling out the blade." He told her right before everything went black.


"What the hell did you do to her!" Melody heard someone demand, "I didn't do anything, if anything I'm helping her." Melody heard Gerard reply, making her give a weak scoff.

"Yeah right." She told him weakly, making everyone's attention go to her, "It's good to see you again Melody." Gerard told her, making her glare at him.

"What do you want, I know you didn't pull that blade out to only give me nightmares of your hideous face that could rival Freddy Kroger's. Nah, I can't insult Freddy Kroger like that." Melody told him, making 2 people laugh.

"That one was a good one shortcake." Melody immediately looked to her left and saw Jackson and Ethan tied up a few feet away from each other.

"I wanted to negotiate." Gerard told her, making her look back at him.

"About what?" She asked, making Gerard give her a smug smirk. "Help me kill every supernatural creature out there and I won't touch Scott and his pack." Gerard said, making Melody glare at him.

As if she would take that deal and even if she would she saw his toes move in his shoes, signaling he crossed them, and heard his heart speed up just a little bit she almost didn't catch it.

He was lying.

"Burn in hell." She hisses, making his smirk drop and Jackson and Ethan laugh.

"You really thought she would take that deal." Jackson laughed, "Someone clearly didn't graduate from hunter school." Ethan snorted.

Gerard glares at Melody before he pulls out a blade that reeked of wolfsbane and vervain and stabs Melody with it, making Ethan and Jackson immediately stop laughing and growl while they flash their eyes to a cold steel blue when they hear her give a small cry of pain.

"Don't touch her you bastard!" Jackson snarled, "Touch her again and I will peel off your skin then take your eyeballs out with a spoon and feed them to you." Ethan snarled.

"Wrong answer." Gerard tells her before he stabbed her with Papa Tunde's blade again.

Melody gasped for air before everything went black. The last thing she heard was Ethan and Jackson yelling threats at Gerard and Monroe.


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