Heart of ice

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Professor Avalon and I have been practicing for more than a week now and it's been really exhausting.

My mind keeps drifting away and he knows that. He is a professor. He can feel wether I'm there with my mind or not and I can feel him.

The man.

I haven't stopped thinking about him once since I met him and I want to know who he is. My mind keeps bringing him up whenever I'm about to forget him.

I throw a fireball right towards a rock and it explodes into thousands pieces that fly around uncontrollably.

"Wow, hey, calm down. We're only practicing. That rock isn't your enemy." Professor Avalon says. He is right. He noticed that I put all my anger into my power and energy. That's frustrating because I never use my powers like that and that's not like me. I'm never angry. There's not a piece of hate that I carry inside my heart, yet I feel like burning something down. I don't want to feel this way. Negativity is making me sick. Literally. It weakens me. Not being able to control myself and my powers is really dangerous.

"What is going on in your head?" He asks as I don't say anything, noticing that something is wrong. I fly down to him and stop a few inches in front of him. I'm out of breath. I'm tired and exhausted. "Nothing. Nothing important." I answer and hope that he will let it be because for some reason I feel like I shouldn't share this with anybody. I'm not in the mood to talk. Especially not about things that confuse me. Or maybe I should start speaking about it to not be confused anymore. I'm sure the elders must know him.

Do I even want to hear it? He's probably just a normal magical being.

"Important enough to distract you from practice?" He asks. I hold my breath. Is he that important? The man, that my mind can't get rid of? Am I making a big deal out of it or are my worries justified? I don't even know what I'm worried about, I should just forget about it.

"I know that we just got to know each other but I am your professor. You can always talk to me if there's something you want to talk about. No matter what it is. It is important to me that my students can work without a heavy heart."

A heavy heart. That is the perfect way to describe this all. Although I know that I won't open this topic to him, I appreciate his words and that he will be there to me. It feels nice to have another confidant than the ones I already have. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind and let you know when there's something." I smile and he nods. We keep going and I feel a little better. His words gave me enough comfort to get myself back together. I can concentrate a lot better. Especially when he gives me clear instructions on how to concentrate and use my power.


"She has been practicing with him for days. I can't stand this guy." Riven and I came to pick the girls up and now we are watching Bloom and that new professor practice. I'm annoyed by how close he is to her. Maybe because lately it feels like everybody is close to her except me. For some reason I feel like she is pushing me away or trying to spend as less time with me as possible. It hurts and makes me miss her even more.

"Shut up, she is working on her powers and goals. It's not all about you, butter head." Riven is as unsympathetic and charming as always. At least he is honest. I appreciate that. Especially because he is a good friend. He is right. I'm overacting. She is doing what's most important to her and I need to respect that, give her freedom and time. It's just that the more time passes, the harder it gets to be without her. She has to develop her powers because she's far behind all the other ones and I know it will take time.

"Am I overacting? Seriously? I love her and want to spend time with her but she keeps putting other things in the foreground. Are they more important to her than I am?" I ask with all honesty. The doubts I have are making it hard for me to concentrate on my practice and lessons. She's all I can think about, all day and that's not professional at all. I need to work on that or it's going to make me sick.

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