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I can hear his heartbeat.

He has a heart and it's alive. It beats and pumps. With blood, veins and everything else that a heart has. It's not a hard rock or a block of ice. I never would've thought that I would get to hear his heartbeat. That there actually is one in first place.

I listen closely, trying to count and not miss a beat because I'm kind of scared this could be the last time I'm hearing it. For some reason I am surprised that he's even a human. A living being. Not a monster or a robot. He is so calm. Calm like always but not in a dangerous and scary way. More like a person in peace. I also never thought that I would be laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. That our naked bodies would touch under my warm comforter. None of what's going on right now was expected but what's even more confusing is, is the fact that I feel good. I'm happy and comfortable. There's no other place I'd rather be right now and he knows that. He can feel that. He can feel how comfortable and safe I feel and that there's no regret. Everything seems so perfect.

There's only one issue. The burning between my legs and he can feel that as well.

"Is everything okay?" He asks and I have to smile. This time I won't suppress it. There's no need to hide it. I should let him know how happy I am. How happy he made me. He deserves to know because he is the cause of it. I nod. "Yes, I'm totally fine. You?" I answer and ask. Actually there's no need to ask because he seems totally fine as well. He's not smiling but he's not stiff, tense and intimidating like he usually is. It's obvious that he had a great time. I'd just like to hear that come out of his mouth but I'm asking myself if he'll ever admit it.

"I am but tell me more. How was it for you? Did I hurt you?" My heart gets warm because he actually cares. There's no sarcastic or ironic tone in his voice. He really wants to know because he is genuinely worried. I like this aftercare. I back off and sit up so I can face him, pulling the blanket up to my chest because I'm still not used to being naked around him, even if he has seen me like no one else has. He got all of me. Every inch and he worshipped it. He deserved it and appreciated the honor of having me. It's strange to me that someone like him is my first, got to see me like that and made me feel like that but I wouldn't want anyone else to be it. I'm glad that it was him. It was perfect.

"Don't..." He slowly pulls the blanket down so my bare chest is facing him again. He said it so softly and got so flustered that I can't resist or pull it back up. He slides his thumb over my nipple and I get goosebumps. It hardens immediately and my breath hitches. I've never felt so appreciated and loved before.

"It hurt a little bit..." I finally answer and he looks into my eyes. "I'll be careful next time." He says, still quietly and softly. I almost melt when he talks like that. The coldness in his voice is gone and now there's intimacy. He's so familiar now. The fact that he said there will be a next time excites me. So this was not a one night stand or something meaningless to him.

I look down at him. His muscular body makes my body go warm again. His arms are so beautiful that I can't hold myself back and just have to touch them. His chest is perfect to lay on. He knows that. There will be a next time where I'll have my ankles on his beautiful wide shoulders. He wants more and so do I. I'm thrilled and happy because this isn't a mistake to him because it means everything to me. It's nothing like that and he knows that. What does that mean then? Are we something like a couple now? I doubt that and I won't ask him because I don't want to rush things. I don't want to make this about something it isn't.

"No... I-... I liked it." I admit and blush. He slightly frowns and his eyes go dark. Now I'm embarrassed because I know I'll have to explain it. He sits up and leans against the headboard. Totally interested in what I mean. Maybe I shouldn't have said it because it's too early to speak about kinks and all that. "You liked it? I knew you'd like it rough." I blush even more when he says that and I feel the urge to explain myself immediately. Somehow after all that happened, it's still embarrassing. "I don't know what I like yet but I guess... maybe." I say. I'm a little ashamed of admitting that I did like it when it hurt and when he threw me around. Not to mention the way he spoke to me and the things he said. It makes me nervous to think about it but I could imagine him going further...

A Thousand Years | Bloom x ValtorWhere stories live. Discover now