Darkar's burning soul

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I put my book away and get up from my desk. Writing down new spells must be my favorite thing.

I sigh and run my hands trough my hair. It's time to relax.

Noises are coming from the front hall. Screams. It doesn't even take me a second to realize that these are the girls screaming. Someone is here and someone hurt them. Whoever it is, that person will come into my room to hurt me next. I know who that person is. But I don't know what she wants. I'm just surprised that she knocked the Trix out so fast, without any trouble. Especially on her own.

Guess that's it for today with relaxing.

She comes in and I promise myself to not look surprised so she doesn't think anything about it but I can't help it when I see the way she looks. The messy, dark hair, the snake eyes and the dark clothes... Even her wings are dark and sharp. Her pale skin and her face... She looks nothing like Bloom. She isn't Bloom. She is a defect version of her. A glitch. I don't know what to think. I don't even know how to feel about it. Actually she doesn't even give me time to think about that.

"What is-..."

"Only one of us is going to make it out alive. And it'll be me." She says and before I even get to understand what she means she pulls out the knife behind her back. My eyes widen because that big knife looks ridiculous in her hand. She looks too fragile and innocent to hold it like that, yet she looks so confident with it. Like a serial killer. This behavior doesn't fit her.

But I understand what she means...

She runs towards me and swings the knife. I dodge it and hit her wrist but she doesn't let go of the knife. She doesn't let it fall. Instead she grabs it with both hands and tries to ram it a straight into my chest. That's crazy. And impressive. She's stronger than she usually is. I grab both of her wrists and push her away, very roughly. As rough as I wouldn't do it if she'd be herself. She falls and lets the knife fall but turns around to reach out for it immediately. I grab her ankle and pull her to me, away from the knife. I don't need to know what happened to her. I already know it. The shadow virus. It's not like I've never seen it before in these thousand years. Why did he do it to her? Probably because of the same reason I am after her. But how did it hit her? Who put it on her? However it happened, I don't like it. I don't like the violent Bloom who chooses to attack me with a knife to make sure I'll bleed to death instead of using her power or justice to end me or lock me up. I don't like this aggressive version of her that is pure anger and hatred. It doesn't suit her. She is a villain now and I don't like that. I'm the villain. She is the good girl. That's how it goes.

She groans in anger when she can't reach the knife. She doesn't use her powers so I won't either. She wants a fist fight. She'll get a fist fight. It's not surprising that she's stronger than before. Everything about her is different now so I shouldn't underestimate her. She may have Darkar's energy and strength.

She turns around and looks at me. It's unbelievable how pretty and fucking hot she looks, laying there on the floor with her messy hair, ready to kill me. I let her ankle go with the sudden pain that hits me between my legs. This is unfair. Using childish methods like these to stop me is fucking unfair. Although I'm a wizard, I'm still a man.

"Fuck... I'll kill you." Kicking me in the most sensitive area of my body is another level of rudeness. Even the real Bloom wouldn't think of this. She's too innocent and kind for it. "Not before I kill you." She says, already out of breath, after she grabs the knife. I notice that I need to get myself back together fast because she really gets to do what she says. She's full of eager.

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