Pieces of identity

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When his grip tightens I panic so much that I somehow free myself and push myself away from him. Fear makes me strong sometimes.

"I will kill you piece by piece."

There's only one last way which I can try to stop him with because I know that nothing else will work and not even miss Faragonda will come to rescue me this time. Everyone is busy, fighting their own battle and I know that I can't escape him this time and he won't have mercy. It's over. Either him or me. One of us will die or I will save everyone. Either everything or nothing. That's what he told me and that's what it really is about.

I reach for my necklace because I need to use my fairy dust. I didn't think of using it because I didn't believe it would be enough to fix everything and end him but now it's my last weapon. I'm getting weaker with every second and every move that he makes. So I have to play all my cards before running out of options. Either it will work or it won't but I won't find out if I don't use it.

I grab the tiny bottle around my neck and reach for those on my wings too but in that second, Valtor opens both of his palms towards me and something like a huge sound wave hits me. It's so strong that I can feel it in my bones. It doesn't push me away or hurt me but it feels weird. Like a soft push.

Before I can figure out what it did to me or what's going on, I start to fall.

My stomach drops and I feel like throwing up. There's a sharp pain in my chest. I start to scream at the top of my lungs as soon as I realize that my wings can't hold me up anymore. Valtor gets small in the Sky while I almost get a heart attack. In this moment I realize that this is the end and that he won. He won the war he started and he will bury me between the flames and the pieces of Alfea, right next to the other students. The only thing I can do is accept that it's over for me. Maybe I'll finally meet my parents this way. Seems to be the only way for me.

I close my eyes and get ready to hit the ground so hard that I'll be one with it. They'll have to scrape me off and clean it up.

I never thought that death could be so scary that it paralyzes me. Maybe because I always felt like I'm immortal and now I have to face the truth. The truth is that it's the opposite.

The truth changes when I stop falling.

My whole body tenses but I feel an arm under my back, supporting me. An arm that caught me and didn't let me die. Someone saved my life and I hope it's one of the girls. I hope they made is.

My pulse thunders in my ears and heart is racing. I feel like I will get a heart attack if I open my eyes. I was expecting to never have to open them again and now I have the chance to. I was granted life. It's not over. Not the way I thought. The only thing I can do is hope that someone took care of Valtor and someone else got to save me but as soon as I open my eyes, my hope gets crush. My body tenses even harder as soon as I see Valtor. His face is so close to mine that I can't breathe because I'm scared he might steal some of my air and kill me by leaving me breathless. Wasn't making me fall enough?

I can't even react because I'm still paralyzed from the anxiety and panic that this all put me through. Just a few seconds ago I thought I would die and I was done with everything. Now I have to continue dealing with him and all the awful things he makes me feel and I have no idea how to do that. God, I wished I got rid of him. Even if it was by dying.

His face is so close to mine and there's something in his expression that I can't explain. It scares me because I know that I lost all my connection to him and I can't even assume what his next step could be. Even the tingling when he touches me disappeared. I can't feel his presence, although he's right there. What is going on? Why is he looking at me like that?

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