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I wake up and wipe my hair out of my face. For the first time in a while I feel relaxed and comfortable. I slept well and tight.

My pillow is harder than usually but my head feels light. As if every bad thought is gone. As if last night never happened. I didn't even have any bad dreams. Actually I slept so well and comfortably that it almost feels like betrayal to the others since I doubt that they slept well.

I notice that my pillow is moving. It's breathing. My eyes widen and I hold my breath. That's when it dawns on me. It's not a pillow. It's Valtor. I slept on his chest and I slept really well.

"You're awake." He says. I blush immediately. God. I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed because I actually fell asleep on his chest, because he witnessed that, because he didn't leave before I woke up, because, because, because. God damn. He caught me slipping. How is this possible? How am I not bothered and nervous in his presence?

"So are you." I say, as if it's not obvious, talking nonsense. That's a poor way to hide how embarrassed I am but it helps. Playing it off helps.

I can't believe that I slept like this all night long, without moving a bit or backing off. Did he handcuff or glue me on him? Did he force me? No. I remember that I let it happen. As soon as I touched his chest I got soft and sleepy. I couldn't even fight against the urge to just sleep and now I feel bad, although I didn't have any bad dreams which is very rare. He didn't leave like he did last time. He's still here. In the same position as well. That's terrifying for someone like him. Someone who likes to destroy things, terrorize people and be mean. He was patient.

Remembering all these things and the last day makes me get back to reality so I slowly back off and look at him. He looks just as perfect as last night. As if nothing happened. His hair is straight, his eyes are shining, his jaw is sharp. Just like his tongue.

I get out of my warm bed and put some socks on. The floor is cold and I'm not warm enough yet.

"Where are you going?" He asks, noticing that I don't mind him.

I grab the stuff out of my drawer and turn to him. "Brushing my teeth?" I say but it sounds more like a question because I don't know what he expects me to to. I can't give him any reaction or talk about the things that happened. That will give him what he wants and confuse me more. I'll just have to act like this didn't happen. Ignore it.

"You won't tell me to leave?" He asks and I shrug. "It's not like you will when I tell you to." I say and leave my room. I leave him behind. Somehow it's not as hard as it was the last times.

As soon as I'm done with my morning routine I go to the girl's rooms. I will tell them everything and I need to check on Layla. The truth has to come to the light. What Valtor is doing in my room doesn't matter to me anymore. I accepted that he's doing whatever he wants anyway and that I can't affect him in any way. So I just do my thing for now.

"Layla, how are you?" She's laying in her bed and Musa is by her side. My heart is heavy. It hurts. Seeing her like this is so painful and tragic. "I'm not in pain anymore but I still can't see anything." She answers. She sounds so sad and desperate I wish I could take it from her. If I could, I would go back in time and switch places with her. But I have hope and faith.

"Hopefully miss Faragonda is right and she will be able to see in a few days." Stella, Tecna and Flora enter the room. I sigh. "I hope so. I made her some herbal tea from the herbs I grew." Flora says and I smile. Musa helps Layla to sit up and drink.

"What happened to the island after I left?" I ask. I totally forgot about it. My head starts aching. There was so much going on that I forgot about it. "Tecna and I handled it. They are safe for now but only god knows for how long it will be like that." Flora answers. "Where did you go? You disappeared so fast." Stella says. She noticed just like Musa. I can feel how I start to sweat because I feel like I got caught but it's time. No hiding this time. They're already suspicious enough.

A Thousand Years | Bloom x ValtorWhere stories live. Discover now