We're the same

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"Leave before I give you a show that you won't forget." I frown and his eyes start to shine.

He loves this. He loves it when he is being challenged and triggered. When it's not made easy for him. And he knows very well that I will always challenge him. That's why he enjoys messing with me so much. I know that no threat will be serious, intimidating and ugly enough to actually make him leave or stop but I don't want him to think that this will be easy for him. I don't want him to think that I'm weak or that I'll treat him differently because of last night. Nothing has changed. I still don't know anything about him and what he wants from me and right now he's not really making a good impression. I'll make him pay for what he has done because he can't be a hero at night and a villain at day.

"You think I would mind a show from you?" He asks and I clench my fists, ready to fight him. I don't like it when he does things like these. He's not even taking me serious and that makes me angry. I may be childish, naive and easy sometimes but I can be the opposite if I have to and this man is bringing out the worst in me. I hate it and I will not tolerate it any longer.

"We'll see." I say and surround him with my dragon fire, hoping I can stop his actions at least until the girls can concentrate again and support me but as soon as I see that he just walks through my fire, my stomach somersaults and I feel like I already lost. My jaw drops but I get myself back together pretty quickly because I know we have no time to waste.

"You think you can stop me like that?" He asks, as if I'm stupid and he expected more from me. It kind of hurts my heart and I feel like he's just a piece away from laughing. That makes me so mad that my scalp starts to burn. Literally. He still thinks that this is funny. I hate that he's treating me as if I'm not capable of anything. As if I'm not strong enough.

That's how I've always felt and I can't stomach it anymore.

"You have no idea..." He hasn't seen my worst and he better won't because that won't be good for anybody.

"Then show me." His smooth voice sends a shiver over my spine. Even harder when he raises his hands and the sky gets dark, although we're not even close to evening.

"Oh no..." I hear Flora say. I look up and watch the sky turn dark, as if it's night. The pretty blue is gone, there's such a hard wind that the palm trees are about to fall on us and the sand beneath our feet is getting hotter but we're getting colder.

"Stella's powers are fading!" Tecna shouts. Stella is at a very bad condition, especially now that the sun faded she has no resource. She is the fairy of the sun, moon and the stars but with Valtor's black magic blanketing the sky, there's no chance she can use her powers. I know that I should take care of her but I need to keep Valtor busy. I have no idea what's going on in his mind and what his next step is going to be. It's terrifying and annoying to not know enough about your enemy to be able to calculate his next step so I need to be wide awake and strong. He is calm, yet so rough.

It's like he could read a bedtime story to you while burning you alive and you wouldn't even notice that you already turned into ashes.

He doesn't freak out, there's no screaming and shouting, no overacting. He's so full of himself that he doesn't even need to express his feelings or emotions in any way or get loud to prove anybody anything. He's so subtle that it's scaring me because still waters run deep.

My hands are standing in flames. I know that throwing anything at him won't work. That's why I change my technique and run towards him. I raise my hand, wanting to grab his face and burn it but he grabs my wrist in the air and stops me. My other hand is free so I scratch his neck and watch his wounds burn. He groans quietly and turns me around by his hand that is still around my wrists. My heart jackhammers against my chest because I can feel his warmth and my body turns into liquid at his touch. My body is throbbing.

A Thousand Years | Bloom x ValtorWhere stories live. Discover now