Ice in her heart

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I wake up in his arms, facing his chest. He takes a deep breath and I feel his chest pushing me away while he inhales and pulling me in while he exhales. He is awake and as soon as my brain starts working, I realize that he is caressing my head. This feeling and touch is so familiar, although I never felt it this passionately before. No one has ever done it with so much honesty in their fingertips, without cutting it off. He already got me used to it and he knows it but he's not doing it for that. He's doing it because he knows very well that his hand was made to be placed on my head. It has the perfect shape and temperature to rest there forever. I wouldn't mind if he would glue it on my head.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks and I have to smile. I slept like I've been awake for the last hundred years and finally got to rest. Unbothered, deep and like a baby. All the tension is gone and for the first time since I know myself, I feel free.

"I did. How about you?" I look up in his face. His eyes are dark like always and his hair is a bit messy. I like seeing him like this. Natural, imperfect, real. Like a normal human being. Or at least not like a villain.

"Me too. Are you okay?" I melt when he checks on me like that. It's the bare minimum for others but in our case it's big progress. He always makes sure I'm okay, even if he's rough with me most of the times. "I'm fine." I try to suppress my smile but I know that he already saw it. I'm just trying to not make this all cheesy so he doesn't get enough of it too fast.

"You called me daddy." He says out of nowhere and my limbs freeze. No. That definitely didn't happen. "Huh?" I get confused for a second but then I remember that it did happen and start to blush like I never did before. I can literally feel how my face starts to burn and my mouth dries up. That's embarrassing. It was a moment of weakness.

I sit up and cover my body with the comforter to face him, even though I don't feel like I can look into his eyes right now. We're on eye level now and I'm embarrassed because I can't tell what he's thinking right now. I can't tell what he's thinking about it and I want to know it. How does he find it? How does he think of me now? Does he think I'm weird?

"I'm so... sorry." I don't even know what to say. I didn't think he would confront me about this. I didn't even think while I said that to him. It was just the way my body and my brain reacted in that moment. Everything was on autopilot and the words made themselves independent. It was out of my control.

"Don't be sorry. I like it." my eyes widen when he says that. That's not what I expected and I'm getting more confused with every word he's saying. This is too much for my brain right after waking up and a long night.

"You do?" I ask.

"I think I do. I can handle a girl with daddy issues." He answers, giving me a little smirk and I shake my head but can't deny that my tummy gets upset. Somehow his words hit the wrong spot. I didn't even know there was a wrong spot for it. "I don't have daddy issues or something like that..." I say but I see the way he looks at me. He doesn't believe me and I wouldn't either. Everyone who knows me knows that I have issues when it comes to my parents but no one has ever pointed it out like that. Maybe that's why I'm so fragile right now.

"You do." He insists and for some reason it gets me mad. I don't like how he insists in telling me what or how I am. I hate it when people explain me to myself because they don't understand me as much as I do. Only I know what's going on in my brain. Only I know what I feel.

"I don't!" I shouldn't fight him over this but I will, if I have to. He gets closer to me until his nose touches mine. "Of course you do." He says and before I can deny it again, he stands up and grabs my wrist. I would love to take this opportunity to continue looking down at him since he's still naked but he pulls me up by my wrist and throws me over his shoulder so I only get to see his beautiful back and butt. I giggle and he slaps my ass, knowing well what I am giggling about and I find that cute.

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