I wish I never met you

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Now I'm also laying in a nurses office as well and I'm waiting for them to save him. The girls are with me but I feel unbelievably lonely. In a room full of people I feel like I'm the only one existing. I feel empty. So empty that I don't think I can move. I'm almost paralyzed. That's why they had to change my clothes into clean ones for me. They had to help me like I am in a coma. With open eyes, totally conscious.

"He will be fine." Stella tries to soothe me. "Do we want him to be fine...?" Flora asks and Musa gives her a warning glance. "It's not important what we want." Stella sounds really serious. My ears catch their words but I don't understand. I'm not here.

I'm still leaning against the tree while he's bleeding all over me.

He could've staged it all to make me forgive him for what he has done. That's what I would believe if he wouldn't be fighting for his life right now. If I would know he would be able to save himself, I would think so but he was ready to use his last breath to apologize to me. Seeing him like that was so scary and traumatizing that I'll never forget it. I couldn't even look into his eyes. I was scared it could be the last time.

Even if everything will be fine one day, that scene will always come to my mind.

I start tearing up.

"Bloom, Baby.... It's okay." Stella strokes my arm to comfort me but she has no idea how much I'm in pain. Nothing can help. Nothing will ever feel warm and safe enough to fix this again. I feel broken and robbed of myself. Only one thing can help at this point.

"He is dying." I bring out between tears. "He broke your wings. He almost killed all of us." Flora says and Musa pinches her arm to make her shut up. Flora is right and I should be glad about him finally dying but it's killing me. Something inside me is dying. It's hurting. He made Layla go blind, broke my wings, almost killed Stella, Tecna and Musa, yet I can feel something in my chest hurting. My limbs are weak and every cell of me is screaming for help, as if I'm dying and I know it.

Maybe it's the piece of his soul he planted inside me.

I start crying hysterically and the girls hug me. "Flora is right. I mean I hate saying this but I hope he will survive." Stella says quietly.

That says enough.

After a while miss Faragonda comes in. I sit up immediately and that makes me dizzy but I don't care about it. If I could, I would go running out of here. Without hesitation or a second thought.

I look into her face with so much hope that my life depends on it. At least that's what it feels like. My whole life depends on her and what she has to say. On Valtor and his life.

"He's stable now." She says and my heart finally starts beating again after being on hold for hours. The weight falls off my shoulders and I let out the breath and sob I've been holding in. I get up immediately. The girls try to stop me because they doubt I'm ready for anything else than resting but I make my way through them, to his room. I have to do this. Otherwise I won't get to continue with my life.

I open the door. As soon as I see him laying there, my tears come back but I need to be strong. I need to do this without falling apart. While I was waiting for miss Faragonda to tell me about his condition, I made myself promises.

He's awake and already looking at me. My heart jackhammers against my chest and my mouth is dry. I approach him and stop on the edge of his bed. He looks so done, so pale and sick that it hurts me. The red corners of his eyes and his purple lips make him look like he already died. He looks like he's in pain but not because of his wounds. Because of me.

"Listen..." My voice is shaking and I can't keep the tears at bay. After everything that happened, hearing him speak is unbearable. So I have to do this and speak for us.

A Thousand Years | Bloom x ValtorWhere stories live. Discover now