Heartbreak by candlelight

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After a long lesson with professor Avalon I'm totally done but he asks me to stay.

"Bloom, do you have a minute?" He asks and I nod, already walking towards him. He waits until the last students leave the classroom and smiles. "I've noticed some major progress on your work and your power." He explains and I smile.

Hearing this makes me happy. It excites me and gives me faith. One day I'll be as strong as the others.

"Oh, really? I didn't notice but I'm glad about that." I smile and tightly hold onto the books in my hands. These news make me so happy that I want to scream. It's always nice to have a professor tell me that I'm coming forwards. Most of the girls and students in Alfea are always getting better and faster forward than me. They get to unlock new techniques and tricks faster than me because they have advantages. My problem is being lost. Not knowing where I come from and who I belong to. I don't even have a home, planet to protect. These things are important building blocks to unlock new things. That makes it hard for me to stay focused and work on its fullest. It's not easy and I'll probably graduate later than the others but I know I'll make it.

"You did and I'd like to work on some special lessons with you if that would be okay for you. It's easier when we're alone, face to face." He explains and I nod, knowing that's what he's here for. He puts a lot of effort and hope in me and I appreciate that. I don't want to let it go waste when he is willing to take some extra time separately for me. I know he knows more than we think and I could need his help.

"I'd love to do that and see what new achievements I've unlocked. Whenever and wherever you want." I can't hold my smile back. I'm excited. "Tomorrow after the fifth period? I'll be free by then." He says and I nod again. Faster this time. I can't hide my excitement. "That's fine. See you tomorrow!" I say and walk out the class quickly. I can't wait to tell the girls about this. They will be just as glad and happy as I am. That's why I meet up with them for lunch and tell them about it.

"I wish I'd have some private classes with him. He's a hottie." Stella sighs and Musa giggles. "Make sure Brandon doesn't hear about that." I say and shove a spoon of rice in my mouth. Professor Avalon's words gave me motivation and appetite.

"I'm just saying! Only because I'm dating Brandon, doesn't mean I can't find other men handsome, right?" She rolls her eyes and I continue chewing thoughtfully while Tecna agrees.

Only because she's dating Brandon doesn't mean she can't find other men handsome, right?

Only because I'm dating Sky it doesn't mean I can't find other men attractive, right? Is that right? What would I say or think if Sky would think like this? It wouldn't bother me if he would find another girl pretty or beautiful. It's not like I'm the most beautiful girl in this universe and he has no right to look at other girls. That's not how it is because our relationship isn't toxic. Maybe I think like this because I'm not the jealous type of person. It just doesn't seem right to me to tell him what he's allowed to like and what not after dating me.

Maybe I'm thinking this to justify my thoughts and feelings.

I gently push my plate further away from me since my appetite is fully gone now. I hate how quick things affect me.

"Is everything okay?" Flora asks. She gives feeding Layla a break. I nod. "Everything is Fine. I'm full." I lie. I lost my appetite. "Are you sure?" She asks and I nod again. It's lovely how thoughtful my friends are and how much they care. They notice everything. "Yes. I'll have to leave anyway. Sky is coming over." I try to smile and get up. "We'll make sure to leave you alone." Stella winks at me and I blush but also feel my stomach drop, remembering why I wanted him to come over. Why I begged him for that...

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