I lost my heart

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I collect my books for lessons with Bloom since I'm teaching her now as I hear noises coming from the entrance and that gives me a huge Déjà Vu. The last time someone just walked in here I got attacked by dark, evil Bloom. I roll my eyes, realizing I should lock these damn doors. I put the books on my desk and make my way to the entrance but halt when I hear a male voice.

"Where the hell are you?" Sky's voice echos through the hallways and a little smirk sits on my lips. That son of a bitch. I knew this would happen. He came. He came and he found me. His voice tells me that he is fuming. Nice to know that he is stable and healthy enough to come here by his own and want to fight me. I must admit, he is really brave. Coming to my place to assault me is crazy. You don't go to peoples houses to offend them. I followed him to his school too last time but I caught him outside. He is disrespecting me. He will live the consequences.

I appear in the entrance and face him. "Welcome." It's hard to hold back my smirk because it's amusing me how stupid he is. He is thirsting death and I love that. He makes it easy and although I'm not a fan of easy things, I admire that he approaches me first. I wasn't planning on approaching or attacking him again but since he offers me the opportunity to demolish him once more, I will gladly take it. Hurting him is almost my favorite thing.

He's frowning so hard that I'm sure he will carry a lot of wrinkles from looking at me like that. It's interesting to see that his skin healed. Not fully but at least enough to be recognized. I'll make sure to change that. His balled fists tell me that he didn't came to talk and he won't waste any time.

"You didn't fight fair and I want revenge." His voice is harder than usually. I turned him into a man. He's determined and confident enough to think he could beat me or believe that he would have a chance but I admire how brave he is. Really. Not everyone would have the guts to do this. So I'll give him a chance to prove himself that he can make it. Well... That he can think he can make it because no one that's coming into my house like this will have a chance to survive. Except for Bloom of course.

He wants revenge?


"You won't beat my ass, even if I don't use my powers." I shrug off my coat and let it fall to the ground. He knows that's a sign and starts to approach me. He doesn't have any weapons with him which means he wants a fistfight. That's how angry he is. He is filled with hatred but he'll get it. I didn't work out for years just tor fun. And I can't wait to finally use my strength instead of my powers. I will let everything out on him. Everything that I've been carrying around with me for thousand years.

"We'll see. I'm a specialist. I can beat everyone." It's almost funny how confident he is. I won't take that from him because I don't want it to be too easy.

I want to have some fun.

I roll up my sleeves and watch him take off his jacket. I scoff at how dramatic he's making this. "Do you think Bloom will want you back when you fight me?" I ask, knowing talking about her will trigger him. I will bring him to his knees without touching him. He doesn't know who he is messing with. I thought he learned it after the first time but apparently he didn't. So I need to take care of it. He needs to be taught a lesson.


"And you think she will love you if you hurt me again." He's obviously convinced that Bloom's love for him is so strong that she won't forgive me. Poor him. He doesn't even know it doesn't exist.

I laugh and take another step towards him. "She loves me more than you could ever know. More than she loves anyone." I can feel how my words make their way to his brain, his blood and his bones. His facial expression hardens and he takes deep breaths through his nose. "I could kill you and she would still love me." I tell him and literally see how his muscles tense. He clenches his jaw and fists so hard that his knuckles turn white. It's amusing to see him like that. The first time I acted out of anger. I was impulsive but now I will enjoy this and make the best out of it.

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