The shadow virus

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"Let's take a break. You're too fast and too harsh. Again." Professor Avalon says, already a little impatient but he tries to hide it because he doesn't want to stress me even more. I sigh and fly back to the ground. "We need to continue. There's no time for breaks. Please. I'll slow down." Of course he noticed that I'm using too much of my energy at once. I'm impatient and hastily. After yesterday I know that I have no time to waste on nothing. I need distraction to forget Sky and to train hard to beat Valtor before he beats me. He's not playing games and neither am I. I need to be strong. Yesterday taught me something. I will not be a weak female who will get ruled by egomaniac men who have issues. None of them will bring me down. Neither with their hands, nor with their powers. I will beat them all. I don't need them to protect me or take care of me.

"You might get weak too fast. Why are you rushing? We have time." He says and I let my shoulders sag. I didn't even realize how tensed I was. He is right for himself but not for me. I can't tell him why I need to be strong because I don't want to involve any teachers. No elders. "I know." I say. A five minute break won't hurt nobody.

"Sit down." He says, pointing at the ground and I look at him. "Yes, right there." He continues, pointing at the ground next to him and I do as he says. "I noticed that you're distracted lately. Your eager could lead you to wrong paths. I know that you want to learn but you will also need inner peace and patience." He explains and I listen. There's nothing I could say or add to that because he is right. "Isn't it like that?" He asks. He really needs to hear it, huh? "Yes. You're right." I admit and he laughs softly. "I have something for students like you." He says and I look up to him. "A spell that will make some weight fall off your shoulders." He gets behind me and I close my eyes. A nice spell could be all I need right now. Even if it won't solve my problems at all, it could help to calm me down a little bit and clear my mind. I'd be thankful if he could make that happen for me.

I can feel the soft power that he lets rain on my skin. It smells like vanilla and makes me feel lightweight. My tense muscles relax and my head stops aching. The heavy feeling in my chest slowly fades and I feel like I can breathe better. It gives me the same feeling as going to the spa. I should do that again, with the girls.

"How do you feel." He asks.

"Great." I smile, feeling more comfortable and confident now. He nods. I know that he is proud of me and that's a nice feeling. It motivates me even more. Especially because I know miss Faragonda will know about my progress. Knowing that people are proud of me gives me a good feeling.

"Are you ready to continue?"

"I am."

After continuing for three more hours I'm totally exhausted and longing for a warm shower and some sleep. My body is tired. I start with the shower and feel a lot better afterwards. Last night will not affect me in anyway. I will still put body lotion on my body, I'll still do my hair and put on a movie without being frustrated about what happened. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm sitting on my bed with some comfortable clothes, brushing my hair and watching one of my favorite movies. I did good today. I did my best and I'm proud of myself. I deserve this. I deserve to dominate my own body. No man will ever leave marks on me or be unforgettable to me.

Someone knocks on the door. "Come in!" I say and Stella walks in. She seems hysterical. "What's wrong?" I ask, getting up immediately as soon as I see her wide eyes and how breathless she is. It's rare that I see her this worried and she's the most positive of us all so if she's worried it must be serious because usually she never takes anything that serious. "We need to visit the specialists." She says and I shake my head. "Oh, no. I'm not coming with you. No matter what's going on, I believe that you'll get to handle it without me." I say. I told the girls about everything that happened last night and they were on my side. They were furious and Layla even said something like "If I could see right now I would go and trap him in the ocean." And it made me laugh. Stella will understand that I don't want to see Sky. The other guys didn't do anything wrong but I don't even want to breathe around the same area as him. Why is she even coming to me with that?

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