Flowers blooming

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"We were so worried about you." Musa says and holds my hand. I still feel horrible and exhausted, as if I got run over by a truck. This all is draining.

Valtor left after I got some rest and the girls came to not leave me alone. I'm thankful that they don't leave me alone, although I've done all these bad things. What I've done was horrible but they'll always love and forgive me and that means the world to me.

Not to mention Valtor. I can't be thankful enough for him taking care of me. He was always there. More than Miss Faragonda or anybody else. He was the only one who actually did something to help. He did things enemies wouldn't do and I don't know what that means but I don't complain about it because I like where this is going. He's gone now because he said that there is something he needs to take care of and I already miss him. I'm not ashamed of admitting that to myself. Not anymore. He may be bad but he's good to me and I appreciate it.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done and it's not even over yet." I hope they can forgive me for being rude to them and most importantly handing Darkar the codex. I can't even imagine what he's capable of now and what he is going to do. All because of me. Being mentally and physically unstable is an awful feeling. I feel like I'm being thrown around and I want it to stop. I want this all to stop and turn back to normal. I caused chaos and ruined everything for everyone. I gave him much more power than he already had and it's stupid. I hate myself for it.

"Don't apologize. It wasn't you who has done all these things. It was Darkar. You can't control it." Stella says and smiles at me. I try to smile back but the corners of my lips are way too heavy to be lifted.. "We are sorry for not being able to help you..." Flora says. I know they feel guilty but there is nothing they could have done. Nothing they could do to help me. "It's not your fault and it has nothing to do with you. There's nothing you could do to help. Don't break your head about it." I try to comfort them. They shouldn't feel guilty because I'm acting up. "Yes, we can! We should fight that ugly roach!" Layla says and I laugh. It's funny that she calls him a roach because that's what I thought too when I remembered giving him the codex. "We should combine all our powers to end him!" Tecna says and I know what they mean. It could work but only for a short period and I don't want them to face him. I know that we can get over everything and fight everyone but it's difficult when one of us is involved personally.

"Yeah, we should kick his ass!" Layla says and they all laugh. We should do that but it could be too dangerous. He could give them all the shadow virus and then we'd live in the cloud tower instead of Alfea. We'd be witches instead of fairies.


I walk straight towards him. It takes him a second to notice me. He can look at me as long as he has the chance to because I will send him back to hell. Him and his throne. He's a prince, not a king. There are many ways to end him.

"Did you miss me?" He asks, having something disrespectfully amusing in his voice and I use my force to get him out of his throne and throw him against the wall. He smirks. It was obvious that I'd do this sooner or later. We all knew it was coming and he is prepared but my boiling blood will not give him the chance to do shit. He has no chance to defend himself. "You can't imagine how badly." I answer and approach him. I pull out the dagger that Bloom stabbed me with. I cleaned my blood off it. "Are you sure that you want to do this? You won't get affected by me using the codex. I'll open the dimensional passage and that's it." He really thinks he can convince me and that's ridiculous. As if I would switch sides and be his partner in crime. I shake my head. He must be stupid to even try to talk it out of me or convince me. It's awkward that he hasn't used any force on me yet but he knows that it's unnecessary on me. It won't work. That's why he tries it with words.

A Thousand Years | Bloom x ValtorWhere stories live. Discover now