The goddess by the lake

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Two days later I walk down to the lake near our school. The weather is getting colder and I'm shivering. I almost start to freeze in my pink top and my grey shorts but I use my fire to keep myself warm. It's dangerous for me to use it between all these trees but I've learned to control it. At least that's what I'm convinced of.

I sit down on a tree trunk that has been cut off, right in front of the lake and I wait. She always knows when I'm here. It doesn't take her long to find me. The whole place lights up and it gets warm when she appears on the surface like a goddess. She carries so much good energy with her that I can understand why she can't be up here for too long. This world would drain her. But I need to see her.

"Bloom!" I even missed her beautiful voice. She comes towards me and I approach her as well so she doesn't have to get away from the lake too much. "Daphne!" I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. For a second I'm floating until my feet meets the ground again. This hug already makes me feel way better. It's so meaningful to me because I know it's hard for her. Just like it is for me. Seeing her like a ghost is something I'll never get used to. I'll never be okay with this. I always get goosebumps whenever she comes out of the water, shining like the sun, floating and carrying an echo in her voice. Thinking about it makes me want to cry because she's the only one of my bloodline that I know and she's in this state because she wanted to save me. She's my only family and it's heartbreaking that I can't spend time with her as much as I want and that she won't get to spend a normal life like other girls. She is the most beautiful woman I know and it's unfair that she is kept in that prison. I wish I could save her. That's on my list because I can't stand seeing her like that.

"How are you? You look great!" She says, showing excitement in her voice and as soon as she backs off and looks at me from head to toes, I smile and hold her hands. "I also feel great. You look amazing like always. I missed you so much." I hug her again because I need it. The time where I have enough of her will never come. I know I don't have much time with her and I wish I could spend it all with hugging her because she gives me the type of hug that's equal to a whole family with a warm home. Her arms turn into my four walls and a roof. She is my safe place.

It wasn't even a lie. I do feel great. Even though the last weeks have been really stressful and exhausting, I feel better than usually. I'm motivated and there's a new source for happiness in my life. I don't know if it will stay yet but we'll see and until then I'll just keep my head up and be positive about it. I'm happy. Especially because I finally get to see her again. Whenever things get bad, I just remember that she is always there for me.

"I missed you too. Tell me, what's new. How is life treating you?" She asks, wanting me to fill her in about my life and wipes the hair that fell on my face away. My eyes water when I notice that I can slightly feel her touch. Every time she does that, I feel so warm and soft.

Sometimes she has enough energy so her touch feels real and not like a gust of wind.

My chin starts shaking and I try to hide it because I don't want her to know how sad I am about it and how emotional it makes me. Instead of crying my eyes out because this hit a sensitive spot, I start to tell her about how it's going and the last things that happened. Sky, the shadow virus... Valtor. She looks at me, eyes widened and I start to blush because her opinion on this matters the most. She's like my mom to me. She's my family.

I haven't heard anything from Valtor in the past two days and that makes me worry. Not because I'm scared that something happened to him, -nothing ever happens to him, he happens to things and people- more because I thought that what happened between us meant something. Thinking that it's not like that makes me worry and feel upset. Maybe it only meant something to me and it was nothing to him... Otherwise he wouldn't have been gone for so long after telling me that he's sorry for leaving and that he won't be gone for too long. He doesn't know how long these two days feel for me. Like an eternity.

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