Fire of nightmares

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I decide to see miss Faragonda before going to bed. I have this awful feeling in my guts and I need her help, her comforting words and her warmth. She always knows what to say and how to help. Just like a mom. If there's one person who can fix this then it's her. I will also call Mike and Vanessa before sleeping because I really need to be comforted and hugged. Maybe I'll visit them soon. I need distraction. Immediately.

I would call Sky but he's not making me feel good right now either. Nobody except miss Faragonda can make me feel good right now. Everyone and everything else is too much to me right now. It's rare that I get overstimulated and nervous but when I do then I really struggle a lot.

"Bloom, what a surprise. Can't sleep?" She asks. I'm already in my pajamas and it's late. She's wondering what keeps me up but she probably already knows that I'm here to talk. She knows me very well and that there has been something on my chest for a while now. The others are probably already sleeping but I can't sleep like this. Not a second of sleep will be granted to me until I know more. There's no chance I can rest. Not with all these thoughts and question and that energy that makes me hyperactive. It keeps me up and I can't have that. I need rest. For my body and my mind. Curiosity has never held me hostage like this before.

"Not really. There is something that I'd like to talk about with you." I say.

Actually it feels very nice to finally be able to speak about it since I kept it to myself for so long. Usually I never keep anything from the girls but I felt like having this one for myself util I knew what it was. Opening up never felt this heavy for me but it's time because I can't handle this on my own and keep going like this. Somebody needs to know about this and that somebody is her. I will feel better afterwards. It's always like this.

"Please, take a seat." She points at the seat in front of her and I sit down. It's warm and the dimmed light makes it very comfortable and cozy here. Her office has always been my comfort place, just like the rooftop of the second tower of our school. I like to hide there when I want to be alone or look at things from another perspective and Faragoda's office is the place I like to hide when I need help and comfort.

I immediately feel better. Everything looks different now and at night when everyone is sleeping and everything is silent.

"What is it?" She asks. I take a deep breath.

"There is this man..." I look at my hands which are resting in my lap. I blush. I can't control it. Why am I even so nervous and embarrassed?

"Oh." She says and I can hear her smile. I know what she thinks but that's not what it is about. Or is it? No, it's not. Definitely not. I have Sky.

That's why I tell her about him in details. I tell her about what he has done, how he looks, what he makes me feel and what I feel even when he's not around and she already knows who he is. I can see it in her eyes and her facial expression tells me that he is not a good person. Her facial expressions already changed as soon as I mentioned his appearance and it changed again when I told her how I feel. She looks curious, upset, shocked and worried. Something mysterious is going on and I will find out what. The way she looks makes me worry. A lot.

"Valtor" her voice turns into a whisper and she seems almost frightened.


That's all she says. His name is Valtor.

All hairs on my body stand on end and I feel like I'm burning. Even his name has something powerful. Something dark.

"Valtor is a very powerful wizard. Actually, the most powerful wizard that magical beings have ever seen. He is the good and the bad. Both in one." she explains and I can hear how concerned she is. It makes me worry. I don't know what I expected but I'm not surprised.

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