Chapter 19

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(A/N) lol you guys kill me<3 in a good way. I promised you all an update after 10votes and 5comments and you did so, so here it is<3

Chapter 19

Lola's POV

"Shhh. They're going to wake up." Someone said and I heard a giggle.

"God they are too cute!" A higher voice said.

"Now for the final touch." The first voice said.

"Okay I'll get Lola you get Harry." The higher voice said.

"One" the first voice said

"Two." The second one said

"THREE!!" They said together and I felt something gross and slimy all over my face. I screamed and shot up. Niall did the same. We look at each other and laugh. Niall had makeup all over his face and was covered in whipped cream. His hair was purple. Oh god how did I look. Then we looked at the two figures who's voices I heard earlier.

Louis and Eleanor were laughing there heads off.

"What was that for?" I asked whipping the mysterious liquid from my face.

"For turning my own babies against me." Louis said and I looked at him confused.

"He means throwing carrots at us." Eleanor said and laughed more looking at Niall again.

"God how do I look?" I jumped out of bed. I was frozen. Louis and El whistled then laughed. I looked down and saw that I was only in my bra and underwear. I was completely embarrassed and I felt my cheeks burn red.

"Nice going Niall!" Louis said patting Niall's back. Niall was also bright red.

I walk to my bathroom and scream. The person in the mirror had a unibrow drawn on, lipstick up to my ears looking like the Joker, 'loser' spelled on her forehead, nose completely black with whiskers, some green slimy liquid all over my body, and lastly my hair was also purple.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" I yell and Lou, El, and Niall all ran in. Louis and Eleanor cracked up when they saw me and fell on the ground holding their sides. Niall was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Shut up guys!!" I yelled. "Niall why don't you look at yourself in the mirror and you'll know how I feel." I said crossing my arms. Niall slowly approached the mirror. When he reached the mirror his mouth flew wide opened and his face was red. He kept on touching his hair.

"SHITTT!" He yelled as loud as possible. My bedroom door flew open and reviled Liam, Ally, Zayn, an Harry. Harry's eyes practically popped out of his head when he saw what I was wearing. Then they all laughed looking at out faces. Niall and I were both bright red. I pushed past the laughing bodies so I could put something on. The first thing I saw was Niall's shirt he wore yesterday.

I placed it over my head. It hung down low and baggy. I walked back to the bathroom where everyone was still laughing.

"Can everyone shut up so I can fix this mess!" I said and they held their laughs and walked into my bedroom. Ally and Eleanor stayed to help.

"What happened with you two last night?" Ally asked and I blushed.

"We just made out." I said scrubbing my face

"With no cloths on?" Ally asked suspiciously.

"Okay okay we didn't have sex if that's what your thinking. It was just a step up to our relationship." I said blushing even more.

"Awww." Eleanor and Ally said and helped me scrub my face.

"Is he good?" El asked

"Yes. It was so romantic." I said

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