Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"You.....what?" I asked shocked at Harry's response. What do I say?

"I love you." Harry said rather shyly. I don't want to hurt him. He's a great friend and more like a brother to me. Nothing more. I sighed and sat down next to Harry.

"Harry your sweet and funny and nice but I don't like you like that. Your more like a brother to me. I'm sorry Harry I didn't want to hurt you." I said and he frown.

"It's okay. I can't force you to have the same feelings. Plus I don't want to ruin your and Niall's relationship." He said and let out a fake smile. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"The right girl will come at the right time. That song is perfect for the right girl. I'm sorry that it's not me." I said and kissed his cheek. Shit I felt a little sparks. I honestly liked him a little but no where near Niall. Plus I know Niall's the one.

"Thanks." Harry said. I messed his curls up and laughed.

"No touchy." He said then fixed them.

"I'll see you downstairs!" I said and got up.

"Wait!" Harry said and I spun around.

"Yesss?" I asked

"Thanks Lola. Your the best." He said and I smiled.

"No problem Styles." I said and walked out. I put my hand over the neckless that Niall gave me. I smiled at the memory. He's so perfect. I walked down the stairs smiling.

"Why so smiley?" Ally said when I reached the bottom step.

"Who me?" I asked looking around and everyone laughed.

"Got your head up in the clouds?" Liam asked and I gave him the 'duh' look. I laughed and went over to Niall and sat on him.

"GIVE HIM A LAP DANCE!" Louis said and I gave him a 'wtf' look and Eleanor slapped his arm.

"Owwww." Louis said rubbing his arm where Eleanor hit. Zayn, Liam, and Ally were laughing their heads off. I looked at Niall and his face was red.

"Maybe I will later." I whispered flirty in his ear and he turned redder.

"OMG LOLA SAID SOMETHING DIRTY TO HIMM!" Ally screamed standing up and pointing at us.

"Yeah and he liked it." Liam chimed in.

"You guysss" Niall wined and I laughed.

"Little Niall embarrassed." Zayn said laughing.

"BOOO BEAR!" Harry screamed popping out behind El and Lou. They both screamed and Eleanor fell on the ground. When Eleanor fell on the ground, Harry jumped over the couch and took her spot.

"Not nice Harry." Eleanor said getting up off the ground.

"Yeah don't hurt my baby." Louis said defensively and grabbed Eleanor's waist and pulled her down. She was sitting on Louis and Harry. We all laughed.

"Guys go make breakfast!" Niall said rubbing his stomach.

"Come on Liam lets cook!" Ally said pulling Liam's hand.

"Uh okay." Liam said unsure.

"Ally cooks amazingly." I said imagining the last meal she cooked.

"She really is." Niall added on.

"You two are perfect for each other." Zayn said laughing

"Yes we are." Niall said and looked into my eyes. He started leaning in for a kiss and I was allowing.

"GET A ROOM!" Louis screamed covering Eleanor's eyes. I laughed

"Maybe we will later." I smirked and Niall turned red.

"Your cute when you blush." I said

"You look cute no matter what." He said

"Cheeky." I said and El laughed

"A thank you." Niall said and motioned his hands in circles and took a bow.

"Wanna sneak on Liam and Ally?"I asked Niall and he nodded. We got up and crept in the kitchen. We saw that they made us pop tarts and they were close against each other, about to kiss. Ally was on the counter and Liam was in between her legs. Aw they looked so cute and so available to scare

"Wanna ruin the moment?" Niall asked me

"You read my mind, Horan." I said and he smiled. We looked back at Liam and Ally who were about to kiss.

"Three." Niall whispered

"Two." I whispered when they got closer

"Three." We whispered

"AHHHH!" we screamed into their ears and and they both jumped up were blushing.

"What the hell!" Ally screamed and Niall and I were laughing.

"Not. Cool." Liam said in his daddy voice.

"Sowwy daddy!" Niall said acting like a little kid

"Payback will be coming soon." Ally said smirking.

"DO I SMELL PRANK WAR!?!" Louis yelled from the other room.

"Yes!!" Harry screamed

"This is our fabulous breakfast?" I asked sarcastically

"Oh yes it is. Bad girls don't get what they want." Liam said

"WHOA HOLD UP WE GOT A BADASS OVER HERE!" I said holding up my hands in surrender

"Yes now eat." Ally said shoving pop tarts in mine and Niall's face.

"But there's like nothing here." Niall wined

"That's what you get for scaring us" Liam said

"You can't take away my food." Niall said sad

"Watch me." Ally said smirking. Niall ran over to the fridge and grabbed as much food as he could carry.

"Eh Niall what are you doing?" I asked trying so hard not to laugh.

"If Liam takes away my food I. Will. Die." Niall said so serious. He ran up the stairs with all his food. Everyone gave him weird looks as he walked up the stairs. I laughed and grabbed my pop tarts and joined people's in the living room.

"Why was Niall carrying food?" Zayn asked confused

"Well you see me and Niall ran up to Liam and Ally and scared them before they were able to kiss and we got mommy and daddy mad." I said and Liam and Ally came walking in.

"Does this mean war?" Louis asked too excited

"Yes." Liam said smiling evilly at me.

"NIALL!" I screamed and ran upstairs as I heard laughs.

"What what?!" Niall said meeting me in the hallway.

"It's prank war and Liam looked like he was going to kill me." I said and grabbed his hand and pulled him over to our room.

"We must win." Niall said once I locked the door behind me. I'm so scared of evil Liam and Ally.

"I have the perfect plan!" I screamed and explained to Niall the plan.


(A/N) thank you guys so much for voting and commenting!! Sorry I had a little bit of writers block (/.\)


8comments for next chapter!

Also read Word's cant explain (My Zayn Malik fanfic) and Summer Love (My Louis Tomlinson fanfic)

Love you my cupcakes

<3 harrystyles_fanpagge <3

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