CHAPTER 85 -Chimera Ant-

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Third person POV

Rin's eyes widened. She was at a loss for words to describe what was going on. She was lying within a white tube one minute, and her hopes were shattered the next.

"In your case, NGL or any of the balls for that matter is off limits for the time being," Alan answered with a straight face. The gleam of delight in his eyes had completely vanished without a trace.

The only thing that stood between her and her goal was an authoritative adult. Rin was aware that the individual in question was her uncle. The fact that they were related by blood cemented their relationship. On the other hand, the fact that it was her first time meeting him and that she just knew him on a surface level caused her to view him as an unfamiliar person. One thing can be said for sure... Rin loathed having orders given to her by a stranger.

"What- but why?"

"You see, Ringo-chan, your physical health is excellent, and you are regarded healthy for a girl your age..." Alan set her health report down and turned to face her with his eyebrows furrowed. "However, we have no idea what is going on for the other aspect..."

"What are you implying?"

"How long has it been since you slept?"


Upon hearing the question, Rin's eyes widened and began to tremble. Even though it was a straightforward question, it penetrated her to the core.

Why does it bother her so much?

Despite Rin's best efforts to hide her puffy eyes and her persistent measures to maintain a cheerful demeanor most of the time, her eyes remained noticeable. She didn't expect them to catch on so quickly.

Her fists were clenched tighter as she bit her lips. "I'm fine, and that's none of your business."

"Just the thought of closing your eyes scares you to the core, am I right?"

"I can go a few nights without sleeping."

"Not if it will take weeks or even months." Alan was persistent, and it got on her nerve.

"That doesn't give you the right to stop me from gathering the Dragon Balls, does it?" Rin shot a piercing gaze at the towering figure in front of her.

Alan could only let out a sigh as he knelt in front of her so that they were both at eye level with each other. After that, he put both of his hands on Rin's forearms and clenched them gently in his fists. At that moment, Rin was able to glimpse his expression. It was clear that he was anxious.

"Ringo, this is a serious matter."

"You can look for the Dragon Ball whenever you want, but the most important thing is that you take care of yourself because what you're dealing with is not normal. Something dangerous was implanted inside of you by the E-ten, and if it is not removed, it will eat away at both your mind and your body until there is nothing left of you. If this happens, you will die."

"That doesn't give you the authority to stop me."

"How long are you going to withstand the nightmares? How long are you going to keep this from your friends?"


"I can take care of myself just fine!" Rin retaliated by lashing out and yanking her body away from Alan.

"I can take care of myself just fine!" Rin retaliated by lashing out and yanking her body away from Alan

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