CHAPTER 17 -Hunter Exam-

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Third person POV

The twenty-four applicants who had passed the exam's Third Phase exited the Trick Tower one after the other for the long-awaited breath of fresh air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on having escaped Trick Tower. Only the Fourth Phase and the Final Phase remain. The Fourth Phase will take place over there, on Zevil Island. Let us proceed." The examiner clicked his finger.

The minute he did that, someone walked in with a box on top of a tray. the box was placed next to the examiner.

"I will need you to draw lots. To determine who will hunt and who will be hunted. In here are twenty-four numbered cards. In other words, your ID numbers are on the cards."

"Now, I need each of you to draw a card, in order by which you exited the tower. Will the first person come forward?" The examiner welcomed the first contestant which was Hisoka.

Knowing that Hisoka was the first one to pass, Gon and Rin couldn't help but tense up. Rin still couldn't forget about what happened during the First Phase exam. And so she eyed him suspiciously not letting her guard down for even the slightest moment.

The next contestant after Hisoka was applicant #301 who had a weird piercing all over his face. He drew the lot after Hisoka had finished. Then, the order was followed by the third contestant which was applicant #294 and the rest of the twenty-fourth remaining contestant.

"Yosh! I'm next!" Rin said as she was the twentieth contestant. She went to the box and grabbed a card. Looking at the card with a puzzled expression, she walked away. Then, it was Kurapika's turn to draw the lot.

"Hey Killua, he said something about hunting and being hunted. Does that mean we'll be fighting each other?" Gon asked.

"Yeah, probably," Killua said with his hand folded behind his head. He walked forward while whistling after knowing it was his turn next.

After Killua had taken his card, it was Gon's turn to take his. So he walked forward and grabbed a card followed by Leorio who was the last to pass.

"Everyone has taken their cards. Then, remove the seal from your card." The examiner instructed.

Every contestant removed the seal from their card and thus, revealed a certain number.

"The card indicates your target." With that being said, everyone covered their badge.

"The box has recorded which card each of you drew. This means that you're free to dispose of the cards if you wish."

"The objective is to steal your target's ID tag. Naturally, you're free to use any method you choose to steal the ID tags. Including killing your target and taking the tag off the corpse." The examiner explained.

"Listen carefully! You're target's ID tag worth three points. Your own ID is also with three points. All other tags are worth one point. You need six points to advance to the Final Phase. So while on Zevil Island, you must gather enough ID tags to a total of six points. That is the condition for clearing the Hunter Exam's Fourth Phase."

With the condition explained, the applicants boarded a boat to sail towards Zevil Island.



I was searching for Gon for quite some time now, and I've finally found him sitting on the edge of the boat staring at the sky.

"Hey, you alone?" I said taking a seat beside him.

"Yeah." He replied. And we sat in silence for a while until Killua walked in.

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