CHAPTER 56 -Phantom Troupe-

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Third person POV

An adrenaline junkie, the danger had always been like an aphrodisiac to her, the more extreme the better. Now she was grabbed by the head while her body was lifted into the air. The man who was holding definitely had a huge palm to be able to fit her head perfectly in it. But what's bothering her the most was the pain from his strong grip.

There's one thing to describe her emotions right now... Regret.

Oh, how she wished she had listened to Killua for once.

"Hey Danchou, look what I found!" The gorilla man exclaimed gaining everyone's attention.

The man who Rin presumed was the so-called 'Danchou' stared at her with an amusing look. She did a great job to hide from them but guess Lady luck wasn't on her side as she was brought to their center of attention.

"Oh, so you managed to escape, huh? Well, that's what I expect but-- Uvo! You did a great job not letting her escape!" Shalnark smiled brightly as he went to the said man.

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?" Uvogin questioned. His grip on Rin's head was tightened causing her to flinch in pain.

"Shalnark, would you care to explain why there is a girl in our hideout?"

The voice seemed calm and collected but you can sense the intimidation behind his voice causing the blonde haired guy to have a sweatdrop.

"I didn't really mean to hide it from you Danchou. I just thought it would be best to introduce her once the whole gang is here." Shalnark scratched his head.

"Well, all of us are already here, so spit it out." A pink haired girl said as she crossed her legs.

"Jeez, you don't have to be so uptight, Machi."


"Alright, alright, I'll explain. You see, this is the girl you asked for Danchou. I've found the girl just as you prescribed. A young girl, with black hair, black eyes, pale skin and last but not least she's a Saiyan!" Shalnark pointed out to Rin.

"Hmm~ A Saiyan, huh?" The boss rubbed his chin while his eyes were focused on the girl struggling in front of him.

"Saiyan? You must be joking, right?" Uvogin scoffed as he took a closer look at Rin.

"You don't look like one." He concluded.

"Get your hand off of me or I swear I'll rip your arm off and beat you to death with it!" Rin glowered at the man who was holding her.

"At least she has some spunk." Nobunaga, a guy with a ponytail chuckled.

"Who do you think you're talking to? Huh, kid?" Uvogin snarled as his grip tightened again causing the unfortunate girl to scream in pain.

"Enough, Uvo," Danchou ordered.

The same man looked to his side where a tall slender woman with blonde hair stood. But her most prominent feature was her aquiline nose.

Knowing what the look meant, the woman made her way towards Rin.

Rin, on the other hand, kept on squirming and struggling under Uvogin's strong grip but to no avail, she failed miserably.

The sound of light footstep caught Rin's attention as the tall woman loomed over her captured figure.

Cold sweat started to trickle down her forehead as she saw her hand slowing reaching her face.

"N-No! Get your hand away from me--AAAHHH!"

Before Rin could say anything, Uvo tightened his grip again allowing Pakunoda to caress her face.

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