CHAPTER 3 -Hunter Exam-

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Third Person POV

The waves were powerful enough to swallow Rin whole in one single gulp. A bolt of white lightning broke the utter blackness, but only for the briefest of moments. And in that violent illumination, Kurapika and Leorio's face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. They watched in horror as the unfortunate girl was lost within the water.

In that instance, Gon had already jumped off the deck diving into the monstrous sea. He dived deeper and deeper into the dark water. His brown eyes scanned his surrounding hoping he would catch a glimpse of the girl's vibrant red outfit. Thanks to his keen sight, Gon was able to detect Rin almost instantly.

He swam closer to her, outstretching his arm towards Rin and when their fingers were only inches apart, Gon was able to grab the girl's frail hand pulling her close to him.

Gon held Rin tight against his chest, not wanting to give in to the strong current

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Gon held Rin tight against his chest, not wanting to give in to the strong current. With his legs paddling against the current, his bright topaz eyes burned in determination. Gon knew he can't let her drown, not after she just saved a person's life.

Gon's face emerged from the water taking a deep breath of air before swimming closer to the ship. Kurapika and Leorio saw the two of them and quickly reached out their hands to help the young boy out of the atrocious sea.

The instant his feet landed on the deck he laid Rin's deathly cold body on the drenched wooden floor. The three of them called out her name multiple times but there was no response.


Without waiting any longer, Kurapika gently tilted her head back and lift her chin to open her airway. Then, he placed his head near her face to listen to the sounds of normal breathing-- but the girl was not breathing.

"Her breathing is shallow, we need to do something," Kurapika's brows furrowed in concern.

"She needs a cardiopulmonary resuscitation," Leorio replied.

He then placed the heel of his hand on the center of her chest followed by the other hand on top and press down at a steady rate. However, Rin didn't react to his action and laid there motionless. 

"Damn it!" Leorio cursed under his breath.

"I know how to save her, I've seen the fishermen did this before in Whale Island." Gon said as he kneeled down beside the unconscious Rin.

He took a deep breath. Kurapika and Leorio had their eyes widened with a tint of red on their cheeks as they saw the scene transpired before them; Gon had covered her cold mouth with his, making a seal.

It might seem awkward in reality. But this situation didn't seem to faze Gon. In fact, he didn't feel anything when he placed his lips on hers. He only blew steadily and firmly into her mouth for about one second followed by another and another until--

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