CHAPTER 10 -Hunter Exam-

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Third person POV

After clearing the exam's Second Phase, Rin and her new found friends fly through the starry sky, heading toward the site for the Third Phase.

"Allow me to introduce myself to the forty-two remaining applicants. I am Netero, Chairman of this year's Hunter Exam Selection Committee. Originally, I'd planned to make my appearance during the exam's final phase, but as I'm already here..." His eyes scanned the remaining candidates.

"I'm loving this tension in the air! So I think I'll stick around for the rest of the trip." The chairman continued white a chuckle.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning at 8 AM. You'll find dinner waiting in the dining hall. You are also welcome to get some rest. In other words, you're free to do as you please until you are contacted." Bean, the Chairman's secretary explained.

"Okay, Gon! Rin! Let's explore the airship!" Killua suggested.


"Let's do it!" Rin cheered and the three of them ran happily touring the airship.


"Bwah! That hits the spot!" Rin exhaled in delight.

"You really eat a lot for a-- someone your size." Killua paused before continuing his sentence.

"Sure I love food! Especially meat!" Rin cheered and Gon laughed.

"Well, hope you didn't gain any more weight by the time you're old and wrinkly. By then, I'll be forced to call you a fatso," Killua said bluntly without caring about the girl's feeling. Even so, he still expected the girl to flush in anger or anything. Surprisingly, she wasn't mad at all.


Killua was taken aback and froze in place. Even Gon's eyes widened and his feet came to an abrupt halt. They just stared at Rin as if she grew a horn or something.

"Y-you... you mean you're not angry if I call you that?" Killua asked. His suspicion raised.

"Why would I be?" Rin turned to look at him confused.

"I think she's in a good mood because of all the food she eats." Gon whispered into Killua's ears and he nodded in agreement.

"What are you guys whispering about? Let me in on it too!" She pouted.

"A-ah it's nothing really..." They waved their hands trying to prevent the black hair girl from finding out about their new discovery.

"Well, it's not like I'm gonna get fat in the first place, I've been eating a lot for years and I haven't weight a gram!" Rin laughed at her own statement causing a sweat-drop to trail down their foreheads.

'She's definitely in a good mood.' Killua thought.

'Guess I'll just give her food when she's angry, maybe that will cool her down!' Gon made a mental note while pounding his fist on his hand, satisfied with his decision.

While Rin was being the cheerful self she was, she caught a glimpse of the window.

"Wow, it's so awesome!" She skipped to the window and planted her face against it.

"Guys! Check it out!"

"Hmm, what is it?" Both of them jogged towards the window to find a spectacular view of the city from the night sky.


"It's like the ground is covered in jewels!"

"I know right! This is my first time seeing it." Rin eyes were full of amazement that she smiled brightly without noticing.

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