CHAPTER 92 - Chimera Ant-

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Third person pov

The night was thick with tension as Killua raced through the dense forest. His heart was burdened by an unbearable weight. His footsteps, usually as silent as a whisper, seemed to echo in the stillness of the night, a harsh reminder of the choices he was forced to make.

Gon's battered body stirred slightly in Killua's arms, a faint murmur escaping his lips. Killua's grip tightened, a mixture of relief and dread washing over him. However, his resolve was unyielding, and he pushed forward, deeper into the heart of the forest, away from the battlefield that had become a maelstrom of violence and despair.

Behind him, the sounds of a battle raged on—a battle between Rin and the Chimera Ant, Pitou. The atmosphere crackled with tension as their powers collided, each unleashing a torrent of energy in a desperate bid for supremacy. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble under the weight of their ferocious struggle as if the outcome of this confrontation held the fate of the world in its balance.

Killua's heart was burdened by the weight of Rin's sacrifice. The image of her fearless determination lingered in his mind, etching itself into the depths of his soul. The image of Rin, standing alone against the monstrous Chimaera Ant, haunted him relentlessly. It was a sight that etched itself into the deepest recesses of his mind, refusing to be shaken loose.

The forest was alive with the eerie calls of nocturnal creatures, their cries a haunting soundtrack to Killua's desperate flight. The uneven terrain seemed to conspire against him, each step an arduous journey through the undergrowth. But he refused to falter. After all, he promised her. He promised Rin that he'd protect Gon, and right now, Gon's life depended on him, and nothing else mattered.

"Rin... Please... Stay safe."



My heart pounded in my chest as I felt the energy coursing through my veins, my body ablaze with an electrifying aura. My muscles surged with newfound strength, and my senses sharpened to an almost preternatural level. The world around me seemed to slow, every movement of my adversaries measured and deliberate.

But something was amiss. My control over the Super Saiyan form, usually unwavering, began to waver. The tremendous power I had harnessed threatened to overwhelm me, like a tempestuous storm raging within. I clenched my fists, trying to contain the torrent of energy, but it was like trying to hold back a tidal wave with my bare hands. The strain was immense, the very essence of my being threatening to unravel.

'Turns out this red energy is hard to handle. One wrong move would send me plummeting into darkness.' Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, and I could taste the saltiness on my lips.

'But I already knew it was a gamble in the first place.'

My eyes landed on the enemy before me. Pitou possessed an appearance that bore an uncanny resemblance to that of a werecat. Yet, beneath its seemingly feline visage lay a nightmarish creation, a grotesque abomination that had been birthed from the very depths of darkness and malice. The piercing gaze of its crimson eyes penetrated the depths of my very being as if possessed by otherworldly wisdom.

In the vast expanse of time, our clash endured, an unyielding dance of conflict. Blow after blow, we engaged in a relentless exchange, a symphony of Nen and unwavering resolve. But deep inside... I knew.

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