CHAPTER 90 -Chimera Ant-

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Third Person POV

"Gon wait up!" Rin's footsteps echoed with urgency.

Her breath came in quick gasps, her heart pounding in sync with the rhythmic beat of her racing feet. Dust particles danced in the air, carried by her flurry of motion, as she chased after Gon. However, Gon's figure loomed ahead, a blur of frustration and tension. His once-friendly features were contorted by anger, his brows furrowed and jaw clenched tight. Shadows played across his face, casting an ominous aura around him as if his inner turmoil had seeped into the very fabric of his being.

"Hey! Gon, wait!"

Rin finally closed the distance between them, grabbing Gon by his forearm.  "Gon, what's got into you?"

Her words were gentle, yet persistent, like a soothing balm over the wounds that had festered within him. Her eyes, filled with compassion, searched his troubled gaze for a glimmer of understanding. However, Gon could only avert her gaze.

"Rin. Please... stop. Don't push it."

"I can't stop! you're acting weird and that worries me A LOT!" Her voice trembling with concern and determination.

"What's wrong, Gon?"

"It's nothing really-- I just... Argh! I don't even know what's got into me..." Gon raked his hair as he finally turned, his body tense with pent-up emotions, his eyes a tempest of conflicting feelings.

Rin saw the storm brewing within him, the turmoil that threatened to consume his every thought and action. Yet, undeterred by the fierce intensity that radiated from him, she pressed on, her voice a lifeline amidst the chaos.

"Gon.. tell me what's wrong, please?"

Her words hung in the air, heavy with a mixture of fear and hope, as she waited for him to speak.

"I... I... Ah... I had a dream... it was a bad one. In that dream, you were dead. It was like the exact thing that happen to Ponzu. And... when I saw what they nearly do to you...I lost it. It's like I'm afraid that the nightmare I have will come true. I... I just don't want to lose you... you're so important to me than my life."

At that moment, Rin's heart swelled with empathy, her own emotions entwined with his.


With a gentleness born of understanding, Rin reached out, her hand extending towards him in a gesture of solace. Her touch was a delicate reassurance, an invitation to trust. Grabbing his hand into hers, Rin placed his palm on her cheek.

"Can you feel it...? My warmth. That's the sign that I'm still alive, right here beside you, and always will be. I won't ever leave you because you too... are important to me." Rin smiled.

It was a smile that radiated from the depths of her being, like a beacon of light in the darkness

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It was a smile that radiated from the depths of her being, like a beacon of light in the darkness. Rin's eyes, sparkling with tenderness and affection, mirrored the glow of a thousand suns.

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