CHAPTER 27 -Zoldyck Family-

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"I'm sorry Rin. It's just that I don't want to bring you any danger if you follow me. If it's just me, it's fine..." Gon said while he had his eyes on the ground. He's probably averting my gaze because what he did was pretty foolish-- at least in my opinion.

My eyes slightly widened the moment I heard those words that came out of his mouth.

'He really does everything for me.' I thought.

I remembered the way he withstood the unbearable pain that was inflicted by Baldy. The way he winced in pain whenever he was punched all over, and yet he still tried his best to give me a reassuring smile. The smile that always made me believe in him no matter how bad things goes.

The scene recalled in my head as I continued to stare at him. The corner of my lips tugged up into a smile just thinking about it.

"Gon... You're an idiot, you know that?" I chuckled at my own comment. His eyes jerked up as he stared at me in confusion. With a smile on my face, I kneeled in front of him.

"I promised you, didn't I? I'm never leaving your side. I'm gonna be there for you no matter how dangerous the situation gets. That includes, even if you're going somewhere that could get yourself killed, I'll always be there, right beside you. And it hurts me to see that you're trying to do things on your own. Because I want you to know that you're never alone. I'm here, right?" I gave him the best reassuring smile I could give that left him with wide eyes.

I couldn't tell whether the rest of them were impressed or just surprised that I could calm Gon down when he's being irrationally stubborn. But they just stood there with their mouth agape.

"I understand now. I didn't stop to consider your feelings. Sorry." Gon apologized with his head bowed.

The words he said reminded me of why I admired him so much. He's a good boy. He's willing to quell his own anger for another person's sake. And what's more, Gon believes in his own strength, as well as his friends. He has a strong heart. I guess that's what I like about him.

"Well, that's done with." Loudmouth sighed.

"Unfortunately, there's no way we can do this." Kurapika scanned the tall gate.

Hearing that, I smirked.

"Fortunately, you're wrong."

I stood up from the ground, dusting my clothes as I strode towards the gate. They must've been wondering what I'm gonna do. Well, take a guess.

I placed my palm on the gate, feeling the rough, cold surface. I can tell its heavy just by touching it.

"Hey, old man?" I called out to Zebro.

"If one of us can actually open this gate, will you let the four of us in?" I asked as my eyes travel up the gate.

"Well, yes. I guess... But, can one of you really push that gate open?"

I smirked.

"I know that look alright," Kurapika stated with his arms fold.

"Oi, Rin! It's two tons! You can't hope to open it, even I can't!" Loudmouth yelled and I scoffed.

"Hey Loudmouth, don't round me up with someone like you. Has the long journey here made your brain all rusty? I hope you haven't forgotten about the Hunter Exam. Come one, it's not even a week yet." I stretched my muscle and limbs.

He stared at me with his eyes wide open. Kurapika closed his eyes with a smile while Gon gave me the encouraging look.

Zebro just stared at me in confusion it's like he was wondering 'what is this girl up to?'

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