CHAPTER 24 -Hunter Exam-

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I was running. Running up the stairs at a place that I couldn't recognize. Everything was covered in white. As I almost reached the top, I could see a silhouette of a man standing at the top of the stairs, it was like that person was waiting for me.

Even though I couldn't see his face clearly due to the mist surrounding me, I knew that he was the man I've been searching for. As my hand tried to reach him, the ground broke down in pieces causing me to fall with it.


With that, I jolted up from my dream. I was gasping for air, trying to comprehend what my dream was all about.

"You're awake?" Someone spoke causing me to jolt my head towards that person.

Turns out it was the examiner from the First Phase exam, Satotz-san. He was sitting with his leg cross on a chair beside me.

"Where am I?"

"A waiting room, next to the arena for the Final Phase... Upsie-daisy..." Satotz-San dragged his chair until he was positioned right next to the bed I was laying.

"Right. I was in the middle of the Hunter Exam." I realized.

"Your arm will heal quickly. The break was very clean. In fact, once it heals, the bone will be stronger than before. In any case, congratulations on passing the exam." He offered me a handshake but I only stared at his hand.

"Satotz-San, I..."

"No, you can't." He grabbed my hand and shook it.

"Just as someone who has failed the exam can no longer pass, someone who has passed the exam can no longer fail. The rest is up to you. If you feel you are unqualified to be a pro, you are free to destroy or put away your license. You can even sell it since no one else will be able to use it."

"However, a person who has passed the exam will not be allowed to take it again. Professional Hunter's are treated well, largely due to our predecessors' efforts. Hence, there are many applicants who harbor ill intentions. If it weren't for them, we would accept every person who applied." Satotz-San handed me the Hunter license.

"Most professional Hunters consider this card more valuable than their own lives, yet no more than a worthless scrap of paper at the same time. The important thing is what you accomplish once you become a Hunter." Satotz-San stared at me in the eyes.

"What I accomplish..."

"Gon-kun, you decide for yourself when you're ready to use this card. I have faith in your judgment." He placed the license on his palm and offered it to me.

It took me a while to take the Hunter license from him and I examined the small card in my hand. That's when I decided.

"Okay. A lot of people helped me reached this point. I'll use this once I've returned the favor." I nodded with a smile.

"Then allow me to congratulate you." He offered me another handshake and this time I returned it.

"Thank you, Satotz-San." I shook his hand.

But then, something crossed my mind and I came into realization.

"What about the other applicants? The exam is still going on, right?"

I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but I had a very bad feeling about this.

Satotz-san relaxed face became tense. And from that, I knew something had gone wrong.

"No, the exam is over." He stated.


"Yes, you slept for nearly an entire day."

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