3: Bestie, you didn't eat.

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No one's Pov

The ride was quiet, the brown-furred simian was slightly angered by his old friend being here. He knew how he was, he knew he must want something. But what?
Macaque knew getting the kid's power would be a problem, but Wukong was just being an inconvenience. 


"Welcome back!" Mei said letting the two in "Your name is Macaque, right?"


"And, you and Monkey King know each other? You seem close!"

"We seem, close?"

"From the stories Tang told us, yeah!"

The two monkeys glared and the Monk. The dark-furred monkey frowned in disagreement, while his light counterpart looked rather--sad?

"Are you two not close?"

"Ah! Well, we used to be. But we're not anymore--thanks to him." Macaque chuckled, everyone looked at him--they didn't find it funny. In fact, they left sympathy for the two of them; especially Wukong who looked a bit down.

"Well? Tell us what happened!" Mk exclaimed "Maybe we can help! If both of you are my mentors, you should get along!"

"Well kiddo! I'll be glad to tell you what happened!" Macaque said, receiving a suspicious look from Wukong as he began to walk towards the door. "In fact, I'll tell you all what happened! Tomorrow; 4:00 at the Preforming Arts Center!"

"But, here says it's closed on Sundays..?" Tang said flashing his phone in Macaque's face.

"I know, you'll be getting--a private performance..! It's about time you all know the real Sun Wukong." 

Everyone was left confused by Macaque's statement, everyone except Wukong and Pigsy got real suspicious.

"Oi, what'd he mean by that!?" Pigsy said, skeptical about the whole situation.
The pig was just worried for Mk, and seeing Wukong's reaction to Macaque's statement he couldn't help but feel iffy



"Let's calm down! How about some tea?"

"I don't want tea. I WANT answers." Pigsy stated.

"So, you do want tea?" Mei questioned


"Like, you want the tea on the situation! You know like "spill the tea" Oh! If you drink tea, and hear the tea you'll have double tea!"


"So.. No tea?"

Wukong still looked a little pale, but was glad the attention was off him. Though, that didn't last for long because now his successor was concerned




"Those stories, if you have so much information on the two you must know what happened."


"Well what?"

"That page was torn out a long time ago..."

"By who?" Pigsy said, his voice seeming angered and and face looked agitated

"I don't know! I lost it one day and the paper was gone."


Everyone stopped to see what Mk had to say

"Let's just relax now! Tomorrow we'll know, right?"

Let's Restart..? [Macaque x Monkey king]Where stories live. Discover now