16: Chang'e!

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Mk's Pov



I looked back at Monkey King who was clenching his fist and gritting his teeth

"What's with the angry vibe..?" Chang'e asked "What's wrong?"

"We're looking for Macaque, is he here?" Mei asked

"Oh yeah sure!" She said, running back inside and plopping down behind Macaque

Monkey King crossed his arms and looked away, Macaque however was obviously surprized to see us.

The room remained silent, honestly it was hard to find the right thing to say in this situation, I was hoping that maybe Macaque was just overwhelmed and actually liked Monkey King, but with how buddy buddy him and Chang'e are, maybe he likes her instead, and I could tell Monkey King was having those exact thoughts.

"MOVIE NIGHT." Mei shouted, freezing after everyone just stared at her, still saying nothing. "Let's have a movie night at Pigsy's!"

"Right now..?" Macaque asked 

"Right now! We have sleeping bags in the closet, it'll be great!"

"I can make movie pastries!"

"What are 'movie pastries'..? Don't you just eat popcorn?" Macaque asked, receiving a hit on the head from Chang'e

"You want popcorn? Fine. Everyone else will have something tasty!" She said, crossing her arms and looking away

Macaque laughed before standing beside her, putting his arm around her shoulder "I was kidding! C'mon" 

"Oh! Bring pajamas!"

"Did you bring any Chang'e?" Macaque asked, walking towards his room

"Ah! No, I don't think so"

"You can borrow some of my stuff" He said, leading her into his room, and when he did that I could see Monkey King fuming

"Monkey King..? You okay?" Mei asked.


"No." Monkey King started, tears threatening to fall down his face "But it looks like he is..." He said, wiping his eyes and we all pulled him into a hug. 

"You're awesome! And if Macaque can't see that, then who cares!" I smiled, hugging him tightly

"Thanks bud"

"Okay okay, we're ready!" Chang'e yelled, rushing out the room

"Alright then..!" Mei started, not being able to fully lift the mood seeing now Monkey King feels, "Uhm, let's go then?"

And as soon as Mei said that, we were all dropped into Pigsy's

"A warning would be great" Monkey King sighed

"Sorry.." Macaque replied, the two still refusing to make eye contact


"I'VE ABOUT HAD IT WITH YOU ALL WAKIN' ME UP.N YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON OR-" Pigsy stopped in his tracks seeing Chang'e

"Chang'e! How nice to meet you!"


Tang pulled Pigsy along and they sat on the couch, followed by Sandy

"What's up?" Sandy asked

"Movie night!" Mei yelled "Everyone, change into your pajamas!" Mei said before rushing off to her room to change.

Macaque and Wukong changed first in two of the bathrooms, and Chang'e changed next

"Oh! Macaque, Monkey King, you two are matching!" Mei said, when she saw that both Monkeys walked out wearing all black with peaches scattered around

"This is old so.." Macaque said before sitting down, causing Monkey King to look a bit down

"You all find something to watch I'll make some snacks!" Chang'e said before starting to walk off "Oh, Macaque!"


"Do you wanna help?"

"I'm not that great of a cook so-"

"C'mon it'll be fun! You can make simple things like chocolate covered strawberries, leave the baking to me"

We looked for a movie, we saw a few we liked and figured since Chang'e and Macaque would probably be awhile we'd make a list and decide when they came back

Chang'e made a few simple things, beignets, madeleines, strawberry cream danishes, profiteroles etc. Since some took awhile to bake, we all played games, and laughed, and Monkey King didn't seem down anymore.

Chang'e came out carrying all the things she made. And Macaque brought out chocolate covered strawberries and pretzels 

"Oh my! I wonder who's the better chef!" Mei said

"Shut up" Macaque laughed, and it wasn't like his regular old chuckle, it was a genuine laugh, and I could see Monkey King staring at him while wagging his tail.

Everything seemed good until the movie all agreed and picked a comedy movie, Macaque and Chang'e were right next to eachother, sharing the same blanket, and it was obvious Monkey King was a bit jealous.

Chang'e was eating and Macaque starting laughing.

"Nice mustache" Macaque laughed, wiping off the cream and chocolate on Chang'e's face, after they finished they cuddled together, Chang'e petted Macaque's head and he purred, they laughed at the same parts in the movie and sometimes even said the same things, and Monkey King was clearly upset, when the movie finished we all decided to play truth or dare.

"Macaque!" Mei said


"Truth or dare"


"Do you have a crush?"


"Ooh" Chang'e started, causing Macaque to laugh "Do you?"

"Yeah I do."

"Okay okay, uhm Pigsy!" I asked


 "Who do you think is cooler, Monkey King or Macaque?"

"I think they're both annoying"

"Seriously?" Macaque laughed

"Wait, Macaque!" Mei said


"Truth or dare"

"Again? This feels targeted"


"Alright alright, truth"

"Do you have a crush on Monkey King?"

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