14: Confessions

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Macaque's POV


I abruptly stopped playing around with Wukong and looked into the distance.

"What's wrong bud?" Wukong said, nudging me with his elbow.

"I... Uhm, I really should get going."

"Why..?" He said, wrapping his tail around mine and pulling me back

"Wukong, please."


"Right." He said, I started to walk off before I heard him continue. "I forgot that's what you always do..."


"Excuse me..?" I snarled, and I could tell there was an uncomfortable feeling in the air now.

"Oh! I'm sorry, disappearing into the shadows, leaving without a trace, failing to tell ANYONE where you're going or when you'll be back doesn't sound like a good description of you? My mistake!" He growled, the sarcasm traced through his voice like venom and it pissed me off.

"Wow... WOW" I laughed "You really are the whiniest, pettiest, most self-absorbed person I ever met you know that? What? I'm supposed to be glued to your hip? Cause it didn't seem like that when you left."

"Are you seriously-"

"OH oh, no my bad it did seem like that because I was always the one who tried to chase you down, I was always the one who tried to keep us together."

"Anything I did was for the both of us. All I EVER cared for was you and me!"

"OH SPARE ME." I bayed "You said that then, saying it now doesn't make it anymore truthful. All you ever cared about was yourself..."

"That's not true."

"You're right. You used to care about me, care about us but once you started getting more power all that went down the drain. So maybe, maybe you cared, but you didn't care enough. I did. I wished every moment you stayed, and maybe, I enjoy the time we have together now but you ALWAYS find a way to ruin it. AND YOU-"

I paused, almost saying the fact that I was only here because of Lady Bone Demon


"And I'm not gonna be here much longer. Not that you care, I'm sure you're beaming with joy."

"I'm not." He hissed

"Then what, Wukong? How do you feel cause clearly when I think we're cool you go on some spiral of emotions, even the other night-"



"Is that really SO hard to believe? You're right, it's my fault EVERYTHING'S MY FAULT I'm not the best at communicating, or picking up clues and details, I'm not the best at keeping friends, or building relationships or making attachments, I don't understand how to perfectly consider the emotions of other parties, so SORRY for trying too hard to understand, sorry for worrying about where you disappear to when clearly you have LBD on your back, sorry for chasing after power even though I only did it for US. I joked about my new found strength being a bonus, but it was all for us, and maybe I lost myself in that maybe I can't treat people right, maybe I could be better at trusting another person, maybe if I was less paranoid none of that would've happened but I wasn't."


"Losing you was one of my biggest regrets, it still is, and I didn't want to make it again... I didn't mean to make you mad. I just want to understand you better."


"Yeah, me too."


"Soo.." Mk started, trying to break the tension, but I cut him off 

"Yeah, Soo friend. Why do you care so much? Do you just love it when you have someone to protect? Does it make you feel better carrying around someone weaker than you cause I'm not your charity case."

"Why would you say..?"

"No, I'm just confused and wish to be enlighten! Cause it doesn't make sense to me, I'm not your partner anymore, you have a new one! And the gang is back together just like it was before so where am I in the picture?"


"Where am I in the picture? You have your little group, just like before, you have your right hand man, just like before, so what? I say for a bit, just like before and then I'm pushed to the side again?"

"No Macaque I-"

"Then what happens to me? What do you want from me? What purpose to I serve here? You love saving the world right? You have everyone you need for that so why do I matter to you? Why do you care about me so much to keep me around?"


He chuckled. "Right, can I-"

"You're stupid."


"You're stupid."

"Yeah? How?"

"I mean, I even got so nervous because I made things so impeccably obvious it was mind-boggling, but you still don't get it do you?"


"Tsk, no. Clearly I don't"


I said there, my arms crossed rolling my eyes waiting for him to continue.

"I love you."

"WHAT?" Tang shouted, Mei quickly covering his mouth.

"Yeah... What?"

"I know you hate me, but I really do. But everything about you, your playful attitude, your cocky demeanor, your laugh, your smile, I like everything about you and I treasure my time with you more than anything. I believe me, I tried to convince myself I didn't like you but I can't, I just can't. So, you're wrong. There's a place for you in this picture, there always has been. I was just too blind to fully see it then." He said, putting his arms around my waist and pulling me close, wrapping his tail around my leg, and nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.

"Macaque, I really love you. Honest."

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