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"i should've gone grocery shopping.." yeonjun mumbled to himself dejectedly. soobin sighed and pat his shoulder.

"there's enough food for tonight, yeonjun. unless y/n is a bottomless pit, i think we'll be fine."

yeonjun nodded, giving the taller a sideways "T" smile as they left the dorm's kitchen.

"so does basically everyone just love y/n? cause i told my groupchat he's coming over and jeongin went all fanboy on me." beomgyu said with a light snicker. taehyun nodded quickly as he plopped down on the sofa beside him.

"i don't think i know anyone who doesn't like him.. there's a reason we call him and yeonjun a power duo. it's impossible to hate either of them."

"power duo besties." yeonjun's voice was laced with his ego as he spoke and flexed his arms jokingly. beomgyu cringed at the sight, now looking at kai on the other side of him.

"are we sure we tolerate him?" he whispered. kai looked at yeonjun, then at beomgyu again.

"no. let's overthrow him." he answered. yeonjun's smile fell.

"hey, be nice! i'm older than both of you!"

"no, you're right. we can just wait for you to die of your old age and then we'll be set." beomgyu corrected as kai and taehyun began laughing. yeonjun rolled his eyes before flicking their heads lightly.

"idiots." he muttered.

"you guys, stop being so mean.." soobin cut in. "don't you know the elderly are more sensitive?"

everyone, excluding yeonjun, was now doubling over in laughter. the eldest held up two middle fingers and walked back to the kitchen to retrieve his phone from the counter.

as he picked it up, the screen awoke to show an instagram message from y/n.

"he's here!!" he shouted just as a knock came from the front door. yeonjun skipped over excitedly and threw it open.



yeonjun let him in and closed the door after him before bringing him over toward the other members.

"beomgyu, kai, this is y/n!"

y/n gave small bows to each of them. beomgyu seemed very excited with his smile stretching across his cheeks, while kai simply stood in a frozen gaze.

"hi n/n!" soobin said happily as he reached over to ruffle the male's hair.

"how's your last couple days been since your debut??" taehyun inquired, the six of them now sitting together in the dorm's common room.

"it's been really cool! super busy, but i guess that's to be expected. tonight's the first time i've actually done something not related to promoting or working." he answered while letting out a sigh.

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