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y/n :
ayo this guy gave me his hoodie today i might marry him 😳

kai :
i think he'd be fine with that 🧎🏻

y/n :

y/n :
okay we're husbands now 😼

kai :
yeonjun will not be happy u got married without him 😞

y/n :
this is true :/

y/n :
secret husbands

kai :
we're both idols always being exposed, im sure it wont be hard 🤩 /s

y/n :

y/n :
UNFORTUNATELY u have a point 😞

kai :
also i was gonna post a picture i took of you earlier today if youre okay with that

y/n :
AWH sure yes !!

y/n :
thank you for asking first thats v sweet :]

kai :
hdkdh ofc :]

kai :
we should hang out more often it was really fun

y/n :
omg yes pls i'd love that

kai :
it shall happen then >:) what y/n wants, y/n gets

y/n :
☹️ dont spoil me i'll actually fall in love

kai :
i'll do what i want tyvm

y/n :
fine 🙄

kai :
im gonna go game with tyun for a while, talk later ?

y/n :
yes :] have fun !

kai :
thank uuu <3


taehyun looked over at kai suspiciously, who was on his bed in their shared room as taehyun set up the playstation. he was looking down at his phone with crossed legs and rosy cheeks.

"why are you all smiley?" taehyun asked, now sitting on the male's bed. kai's head shot up, a bit startled. he quickly shook his head and gave taehyun a flustered smile.

"nothing! ..it's nothing." he assured. taehyun looked at him for another moment, unconvinced, but decided to let it go if kai didn't want to tell him.

he went back to their tv to finish setting up his game. kai put his phone down as he looked after his groupmate. he was internally debating whether or not to bring up the way he'd been feeling lately - toward y/n, that is. he was a bit nervous for himself, and he didn't know if he should just leave it alone or ask for help.

"alright, do you want the playstation or the switch?" taehyun interrupted his thoughts. kai looked at him again before speaking up.

"taehyun, can i ask you something?"

the other went back over to kai's bed to sit as he nodded, sensing the serious tone of his friend's voice.

"yeah, what's up?"

kai looked down, now fidgeting with his fingers.

"have you ever.. like, felt weird towards.. um.." his voice trailed off as he realized he didn't really know how to describe his feelings. he looked at taehyun's patient eyes while he nodded for him to continue.

"..nevermind, it's nothing."

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