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it had been about three days since kai last talked to y/n. he wanted to start up their dms again, but he was a bit nervous to dm first. knowing the other was busy with his new schedules and promotions, he tried not to be too hung up on it.

kai let out a small sigh as he readjusted his bag over his shoulder, making his way down a hall of the hybe building. his eyes brightened as they met the familiar form of his new friend. y/n was in a practice room in casual athletic clothing looking down at his phone. kai stood for a moment just gazing at him. he began to feel a tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach, brushing the feeling off as some sort of chill.

y/n looked up, sensing the taller's eyes on him. he smiled widely and waved for him to come inside. kai instantly returned the smile and made his way over, more excited than he realized.

"hi y/n!!" he shouted as the glass door shut behind him. his brows furrowed at his unintentionally bubbly voice, but he tried to recover by dropping his smile a bit.

"what's up, kai?!" y/n enthused, dropping his phone onto his hoodie that laid on the floor. the tips of kai's ears turned a light shade of red at the sound of his name on the shorter's tongue.

"..you can call me hyuka if you want."

y/n smiled, nodding.

"okay then. wanna go to a late lunch with me, hyuka?" he asked.

kai felt his heart jump, unable to control his smile now as he nodded. he was beginning to feel a bit concerned for himself. the feeling in his chest was foreign, and he was a little scared of it.

y/n gathered his things and cleaned up the area a bit before the two left the practice room, and soon the building. they decided to go to a small restaurant just a couple blocks away. kai felt a bit odd for suddenly becoming so happy, but he decided to stop questioning it and just enjoy his time with his friend.

"oh, here's my hoodie! i almost forgot." y/n said as he handed the hoodie to the taller. kai looked at it and took it from him gently.

"would you mind real quick?" kai asked as he held out his bag toward him. y/n nodded and held it for him while he excitedly draped the fabric over his head and down his torso. kai then took and adjusted his bag back over his shoulder and held his arms out.


he felt his cheeks heat up as y/n looked him up and down.

"hot, definitely."

kai looked down, now fidgeting with the bottom hem of the hoodie. his whole face felt warm as an idea came to him.

he gently took y/n's arm as they were now in front of the restaurant, stopping him from going inside for a moment.

"um.. here, do you want mine?" he asked, pulling his own hoodie from his bag. y/n's face brightened, quickly nodding.

"yes?! i'll wear it 24/7, i'm not even joking."

kai gave it to him and looked away again nervously. he now went to open the restaurant's door for the shorter, the two filing inside for their lunch.

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