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kai looked over at soobin as they paused their game on the tv, both equally confused at the call of his full name from another txt member.

beomgyu came trudging into the dorm's common room with furrowed brows, kai only looking at him in both worry and shock.

"kai kamal huening," beomgyu repeated as he looked at the younger, "you wrote a damn adorable song."

kai heaved out a relieved breath while rolling his eyes and going back to his game. soobin snickered quietly at beomgyu's sudden outbreak.

"it's going to be on repeat for a week, no one is allowed to play anything else in this dorm." beomgyu declared with his hands on his hips now.

"i have to agree," taehyun said happily as he emerged from his room. "you did a really good job, hyuka. and you and y/n sound really good together." he said, going to sit at the end of the sofa. kai blushed lightly and smiled at this.

"thank you, guys."

soobin sighed and set his gaming controller down before stretching in his place on the sofa.

"i think i'm done for tonight." he told the youngest, who nodded and turned his own controller off.

"okay, that's fine. i was thinking about going to see y/n anyways." kai informed him.

"ooh, tell him we love him! he seemed really nervous on his post earlier." taehyun said with a small pout. "oh! and bring him ice cream!"

kai laughed lightly at his groupmate's thoughtfulness and nodded.

"i'll see you guys later, probably tomorrow."


kai knocked on y/n's door softly, feeling his heart beat rapidly in excitement to see his boyfriend.

the door opened after a moment to show y/n in the taller's hoodie and his own sweat pants. it was easy to see he was mentally drained, but he still smiled instantly at the sight of his partner.


"i come bearing ice cream!" kai exclaimed as he held up a bag of the cold treat he picked up on the way.

"oh my god, you're literally my favorite person ever. come in, come in!" he said hurriedly while grabbing his hand to lead him inside.

kai took the ice cream to the kitchen quickly and set it into the freezer before turning right back around to give the shorter a long hug. y/n gladly accepted the embrace, his smile growing.

"how'd you know i needed a hug?"

kai pulled away to look at him.

"it's my superpower as your boyfriend, i guess." he joked. y/n only shook his head at the remark and hugged him tighter this time.

after a moment of comfortable silence between the couple, y/n spoke up again.

"so, i deleted my social media.."

kai pulled back again, surprised.


"yeah.. i didn't disable anything, just deleted it off my phone."

kai gently moved some of the male's hair away from his face and gazed at him thoughtfully.

"did something happen? or is it just everything that's going on?" he asked.

y/n thought for a moment.

"well, that and.. i've already gotten some stupid messages and just things with haters being haters. i just figured it'd be better to be off of social media until everything dies down a bit." he responded. kai frowned and nodded.

"alright, baby.."

y/n smiled and went back to hugging him.

"y'know.." kai began again, "since we don't have schedules for a while now, i could probably stay with you for a couple days. will that help?"

the other nodded at this idea.

"being with you always helps, hyuka."

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