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"bad news, guys."

the five members of txt turned to see their manager walking into the practice room.

"what's going on?" soobin asked as the others walked closer to them. their manager sighed as he looked between them before his eyes settled on kai.

"kai's been swept up in some dating rumors."

everyone's eyes now turned to the male, who's heart dropped to his stomach.

"um.. with who?" kai asked, his nerves only growing.

"y/n." their manager answered shortly, knowing the five needed no more explanation on who y/n was. kai's eyes instantly exchanged glances with soobin's, who as of now was the only one who knew about the male's feelings and new romance with y/n.

"wait.. people think they're legitimately dating? we're all friends though.. so what if we're close and hang out and stuff?" yeonjun questioned. kai looked down with a guilty smile, which did not go unnoticed.

"holy shit, wait. are you actually boyfriends?" beomgyu asked excitedly as he jumped up and down.

"no, no. we aren't boyfriends, but.. we are.. something." kai corrected.

"well, whatever you two are needs to calm down for a while," their manager cut in. "this news is taking everyone by storm and you need to keep your distance for now." he said a bit dejectedly. kai's smile dropped.

"wait, why? dating has never been a big deal before." taehyun asked. the others looked at their distressed manager.

"guys.. i don't like this any more than you, i'm just doing my job here. i was told to direct you to 'keep your distance' from y/n until we figure out how to handle things. y/n is being told the same thing as we speak. okay?" he said softly. the five of them nodded in response before their manager left them to their dance practice.

soobin walked closer to the youngest and gave him a sympathetic smile.

"it'll be okay, hyuka." he assured softly, patting his arm. kai tried to respond with a smile, but only managed a slight turn of the corner of his mouth. he knew he wasn't told to 'keep his distance' because it was a dating rumor, this was only an issue because they were two boys. even if no one would admit it, he knew.

this was the end of my drafts so i'm not sure when the next update will be </3

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