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kai's heart rate sped up as he quickly put his phone down and hugged y/n beside him tightly. they were currently in y/n's bed with a movie on after getting home from dinner, all comfy and warm despite the cold winter air against the male's bedroom window.

"you're my own personal pillow now, there's no going back." he said happily. y/n's face flushed red as his arms moved to hug the taller back, now cuddling as they laid watching their movie. he could feel the butterflies fluttering about in his stomach as he listened to kai's steady breathing. he'd never experienced something so relaxing.

"we should do this more often." y/n said quietly. the other looked down at him.


y/n nodded before his smile fell in fear.

"..unless you don't want to!"

kai smiled at him and shook his head.

"no, i definitely want to."

y/n let out a small breath of relief and nodded, tightening his arms and closing his eyes now.

kai leaned his head against the shorter's as he began thinking about his feelings again. this was definitely not platonic, he knew that now. what he didn't know was what exactly to do about it. he wanted to ask y/n if he had been feeling the same way, but he was scared of being too forward and ruining things.

kai's thoughts were cut off by y/n's head now falling gently onto his chest, realizing the male was now asleep. he slowly reached over to turn the lamp off before settling back into place and falling asleep with him.

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