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kai's face brightened at the sound of the male he'd been waiting for as he stood by the arcade's entrance. he felt a smile instantly turn on his lips, watching y/n walk toward him in a hurry.

"you weren't waiting long, were you?" he asked with a small frown. kai shook his head.

"not at all."

y/n nodded and gave him an eager smile as the two now entered the arcade. it was much bigger than y/n had imagined it, but he wasn't complaining. the building had your usual arcade games, a small bumper car arena, a bowling alley on one end, and a playground for kids. after getting what they needed from the ticket booth, they were now ready to go.

"ah, i'm so excited!! what should we do first?" y/n asked. kai looked at the male's wide eyes that were busy taking in all that the arcade had to offer, causing his heartbeat to speed up from simply just gazing at him. y/n looked back at kai after the taller didn't answer, but soon realized it was only because he was caught in a trance. y/n's face turned red as his line of sight now met the other's, unsure of what to do next.

"..bumper cars?" kai suddenly said. y/n smiled again and nodded. he took the taller's hand without thinking and excitedly pulled him toward the indoor bumper car arena. after realizing what he'd done, he quickly stopped and turned back to face him.

"sorry, i.." y/n began, but cut himself off by clearing his throat before continuing, "is this okay?" he asked a bit shyly, gesturing to their hands. kai looked down at their intertwined fingers and nodded without a second thought.

"of course, i like holding your hand."

y/n's heart jumped at this, his smile growing embarrassingly large to the point that he had to look away a bit to hide himself. he started walking toward the bumper cars again, barely believing that this was happening.

after waiting in a small line, they were finally into the arena looking for a car. y/n looked around to find a suitable one, still leading kai by the hand. the taller loved seeing y/n so excited, but part of him wished he could know if part of the excitement was actually because of himself and not the arcade.

"alright, who's driving?"

kai was taken back from his thoughts at the sound of y/n's voice. a mischievous smile brought itself onto his lips as he quickly took the driver's seat. y/n lightly snickered at the action and let go of his hand as he climbed into the passenger's side. the other felt himself frown at the loss of connection, but brushed it off.

the two quickly got settled in anticipation, kai's hands now in the ten and two position on the steering wheel. y/n looked over at him as he now held his hand out. kai took notice instantly, and gave him his hand to connect them again. his heart was beaming with so many emotions at that moment that he wasn't quite sure what to do, but before he could, the cars suddenly started moving. a smile took to his face while he tightened his grip on y/n's hand and their knees bumped against each other.

y/n looked over at the male as he drove, feeling his face starting to turn red again at the sight of kai's one hand on the wheel and the other connected with y/n's resting in the middle of their touching legs. he quickly looked away and smiled for the nth time that day.


y/n looked down at the penguin plush that sat on the table in front of him. after finishing with the bumper cars, the two went around more of the arcade playing games and were now getting food. well, kai was getting their food - y/n was busy letting his thoughts take over his mind.

he gently moved some of the fuzz away from the penguin's eyes, knowing he was already in love with the stuffie since kai was the one who won it for him. he looked over at the male waiting for their food, feeling his stomach instantly react with butterflies.

once kai eventually came back and the two finished eating, they decided to go around the rest of the arcade to finish the games.

"did you name the penguin?" kai asked as they departed from their table in the food area. y/n looked down at the plush.

"not yet.. i'll think of one eventually." he answered. kai smiled and nodded. his eyes drifted from the penguin to y/n's hands around it as they walked together. he felt an urge to hold his hand again, but he felt nervous to continue the way they were without clarifying feelings. gently taking the shorter's arm, he led him over to a much less crowded corner where some old racing games were.

"ooh, car games?" y/n enthused at the sight.

"oh, uh.. actually i wanted to talk to you for a second if that's okay." kai said instead. y/n nodded at his now serious voice.

"of course it's okay, what's up?"

kai looked at him nervously, his heart basically beating out of his chest.

"um, i wanted to.." he felt his mouth go dry and his mind go blank as he looked at y/n. he looked down, trying to gather himself again. y/n frowned, sensing this must've been hard for him. he took one of the male's hands and held it in his own with the penguin plush also pressed against it comfortingly. kai couldn't help but smile at this, looking at him again. y/n gave him a reassuring smile to continue.

"i wanted to tell you that i like you.. as like, more than just a friend. and today has been so fun, but i don't wanna keep being all flirty and stuff if you don't feel the same.. i'll just be getting myself in deeper." he finally said, letting out a big exhale after. his heart jumped upon seeing y/n's smile grow.

"well then it's a good thing i like you as more than a friend too, isn't it?" he replied happily.

i want a penguin plush now

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