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soobin :
hey do you have a second to talk?

yeonjun :
yeah sure is smth wrong ?

soobin :
idk maybe, im worried about kai

yeonjun :
oh yeah me too

soobin :
all this stuff is happening right when hes just starting to figure his own personal stuff out and i dont want him to take on too much

soobin :
i wanna talk to our manager about it but its like he said, theres not much he do hes just doing his job

yeonjun :
i mean yes but kai shouldn't have to suffer because of it

soobin :

soobin :
i'll try to talk to him but idk how much itll do :/

yeonjun :
want me to help you talk to him ?

soobin :
thats okay, if we could all just make sure kai is doing okay thatll be enough i think

yeonjun :
okay :/

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