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yeonjun and kai currently stood in balcony seats at y/n's performance venue. they both had masks and hats to help disguise themselves, but this of course didn't stop some people from recognizing them.

kai's whole body felt jittery from excitement. at first he paid no mind to it, until he noticed how calm yeonjun was. the male was simply just looking at his phone, his hands steady and body language normal. so why was kai so different?

the lights in the venue suddenly became lower until going completely out. the audience went crazy with screams as they waited for y/n to come out. yeonjun hurriedly put his phone away and began clapping and shouting for his friend like a maniac.

'theeere's the real yeonjun.' kai thought to himself. he joined the other in clapping excitedly before y/n finally walked onto the stage. the audience only got louder at this. kai could see the flustered smile on y/n's face from the cameras broadcasting the show on the side panels. his heart fluttered at the sight of him. he was hiding his smile at the overwhelming support from fans, but you could still see his perfect features with his styled hair and makeup.

throughout the show, kai couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of the male. he felt entranced. he'd admit he was still a little confused about the way he was feeling around y/n, but he definitely didn't hate it.

y/n soon came to the last song on his setlist, speaking to the audience with a fond tone now.

"this night has been so amazing with you all.. thank you for being here with me.. now, this is the last song of the night, but we're going out with a fucking bang." he said happily as he bent down and took a large rainbow pride flag from a fan. the audience's screams filled the venue possibly more than any other time that night.

kai watched as y/n tied the flag around his shoulders, the fabric trailing after him like a cape - a very long cape. he was a little taken back, but y/n was so unapologetic about his actions that it was inspiring. kai looked over at yeonjun, who was going basically batshit crazy as he shouted and clapped.

as the song started and y/n went to interact with lots of the stage front fans, kai's mind was on overload. he hadn't even considered that maybe the feelings he'd been experiencing were romantic. was he gaining feelings for y/n? he had never really thought of labeling his sexuality at all. he was always so focused on debuting when he was younger and now, his career. love was always sort of on the back burner.

he shook his head at himself after a moment, trying to get himself to stop thinking about it and just enjoy y/n's last song.


yeonjun and kai were backstage before they knew it. y/n came into view with a small towel over his shoulder and a huge smile.

"holy shiiiit!! you were amazing!" yeonjun shouted ecstatically. y/n smiled a bit bashfully, thanking and hugging him before looking at kai beside him.

"thanks for being here too, hyuka! hug?" he asked with open arms. kai smiled and nodded, hugging the male tightly before separating.

"do you wanna go get some dinner to celebrate or are you too tired?" kai asked, a bit surprised at how forward he'd managed to be. y/n's smile grew at the idea.

"no, i'm not too tired. let's do it!" he answered. kai nodded as their sights stayed on each other for a couple moments, as if in a trance together. yeonjun looked back and forth between them, now connecting the dots.

"well, i'm exhausted so i'm gonna pass. you two have fun!" he said while trying to be discreet. y/n frowned for a moment, but nodded.

"that's fine, get some rest. we'll hang out soon!"

yeonjun smiled and nodded in response, now leaving the two alone.

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