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❤️⠀💬⠀⬇️kai yet another y/n sweater i plan on stealing

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kai yet another y/n sweater i plan on stealing

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yeonjun still jealous smh
> kai cry about it 😁
> yeonjun RUDE
> kai ily
> yeonjun yeah wtv ilyt

taehyun is he doing alright ? :(
> kai he's just fine ! :)
> taehyun okay good :D tell him i say hello
> kai he just went 🫶
> taehyun AWH

soobin now i wanna go swimming
> kai go swimming then 😟
> soobin @yeonjun will u come night swimming with me
> yeonjun YES
> soobin thanks kai
> kai 🙄 yw

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