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"yeonjunnnn! hurry uuuuup!" taehyun shouted. the four boys were standing around the entrance of their dorm, waiting for yeonjun to figure out his outfit.

"you guys are so impatient, tsk." yeonjun said as he finally departed from his room. taehyun rolled his eyes, looking at yeonjun's outfit.

"we're literally just going to dance practice, why are you so dressed up?" he asked. yeonjun raised a brow at him.

"taehyun, do you know who you're talking to?" he sassed jokingly. taehyun simply looked at him for a moment while the others watched their interaction.

"he's not wrong." kai pointed out, to which taehyun clicked his tongue.

the five of them now went closer to their front door to begin putting their shoes on when a very loud series of knocks sounded. they all looked at each other in confusion.

"manager, maybe?" soobin mumbled. taehyun shrugged and opened the door. their manager shuffled into their dorm quickly toward kai, in a state none of them expected.

"kai, what the hell were you thinking?!" he shouted quickly. kai stepped back from the male with a racing heart, shocked.

"um?" soobin pressed a hand to their manager's chest and pushed him back a bit. "don't yell at him. yelling isn't gonna do anything.. now what's going on?" he questioned firmly. their manager took a deep breath and looked at the maknae again.

"he's right. i'm sorry for yelling." he apologized, the tint of shame in his voice making the others feel a bit more at ease. kai gave him a weak smile in response to the apology, not able to come up with any words as his heart pounded against his chest a bit overwhelmingly.

"did something happen?" beomgyu asked worriedly while his eyes shifted from his groupmate to their manager.

"people are going absolute bat shit over some pictures that were released of kai leaving y/n's place late last night. i thought i told you to keep your distance. now the pictures are everywhere of him seeing you off and hugging and what i thought looked like holding hands." the man informed them. he and the four others all looked at the youngest, who's eyes were now on his feet.

"that's where you were last night?" soobin cut in. kai nodded slowly, knowing now that he had caused a lot of trouble for all of them.

"what were you thinking, seriously?" their manager asked again. the room was silent for a moment in waiting for the youngest to reply. kai continued to look down at his feet as he started to play with the sleeves of his, but really y/n's, shirt.

"being with him makes me feel better." he mustered out. the man's eyes in front of him softened, sighing heavily.

"look.. i'll see what i can do to help the situation, but the ceo already wants to meet with you two today."

kai's eyes instantly widened as he looked up now.

"the ceo?" he repeated. the other only nodded. it was easy for all of them to see that kai's thoughts were on overload now.

"it'll be okay, hyuka. we'll make sure things turn out okay, hm?" yeonjun quickly intercepted while placing his hands comfortingly on the male's shoulders. kai remained quiet.

the group began to finish putting their shoes on to finally leave the dorm with their manager in tow, who tapped on kai's back gently.

"hey, i'm sorry again for yelling." he said. kai's lips curved into a small, but sincere smile.

"that's okay. i know you only mean well for all of us." he answered. the other smiled gratefully as he walked alongside him out of the dorm.

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