A| Its All My Fault..

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Maturity: Angst
Warnings: Death, Grief, illnesses, Ect.
Story: Long

(Shigaraki POV)

    I pried my eyes open, the sun was shining directly through my large windows, and some rays meet my eyes causing me to squint. The room was quite warm despite being the middle of winter but the bed felt too cold, colder than normal. I reached over to my side where Dabi would lay but he wasn't there, I felt something dry..something..almost paper thin. I furrowed my brows before picking up the weird substance, I brought it close to my face, and my eyes widened..ashes... I bolted up from my spot, I threw the cover off the bed into the floor, and my heart sank.

"B-Babe.." I muttered, his jacket stood above the pile of ashes, tears pricked my eyes, I screamed to the top of my lungs, I hugged the jacket close, putting my pinky up this time. Toga rushed into my room with a panicked expression, "What's wrong boss?" She asked frantically, I couldn't speak..I couldn't breath..this isn't real.. She gasped, "Oh..my god..y-you didn't.." she rose her hand to her face, tears flooded her face, and she began to scream. "YOU FUCKER! HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!" She screamed at me, loud enough for everyone to hear, she was angry, no she hated me.. "I-I-I d-don't kn-now..I d-didn't mea-an t-to.." "THE FUCK BOSS! IT'S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!!" She screamed, it's my fault..

     That day was a living hell, I wanted it to be over, I wanted it to be a dream, fuck I prayed it wasn't real..but it was..and it's all my fault, no..it's not real..I won't fucking believe it! I'm going to wake up! I couldn't take it, I shut everyone out, and I barricaded myself inside my room, the room I use to share with Dabi.. I sat on my cold bathroom floor with a blade in my hand painted in red, I felt numb, nothing felt real anymore, a weak smile formed my disgusting face my lover once called pretty, I deserve to feel pain.. I squeezed the blade with anger, I wanted to feel, love, pain, anything so I went deeper, I went harder until I was satisfied..I wasn't satisfied.

     I awoke with a splitting headache, pounding could be heard from outside the bathroom door, I groaned and winced as I forced myself to get up to open it. Kurogiri stood angrily, "You gonna come fight with us? Or leave us to die too?" He growled, why does everyone hate me?.. "I-I..I'll go.." I murmured, he only scoffed and went to walk away only to stop, "Got an actual fucking plan, or are we gonna have to make one sense your too lazy of a leader to do so your own fucking self?" I went to answer but stopped, he already knew the answer, I had no plan, no in fact..I was a shitty excuse of a leader.. I walked with the team through the portal which ended us in front of the shitty teenager's school.

     Kurogiri was huddled up with the team, explaining whatever plan he had before scoffing at me and turning away leaving me alone. Everyone left, he teleported them all wherever he wanted them and left me in the freezing winter. The hot-headed explosive holder who I think is named Bakugo and the emotionless brat named Todoroki. They stopped dead in their tracks before setting off their quirks, "GET DOWN YOU DAMN VILLAIN" the hot-headed shouted, I didn't care, I dropped to my knees, stopping them in their tracks, they looked confused but still on guard. They walked closer, the numb freak lifted my chin going wide-eyed, tears streamed down my face complementing a weak smile.

    He jumped away and set off his quirk but before I could see why I was teleported away along with the members staring angrily at me. "Why can't you do anything right?" one voice spoke, "Your nothing but a mistake, God you couldn't even take teenagers" another spoke, the voices went back and forth until I was fed up, someone crossed the line.. "I don't know why Dabi ever loved you.." I snapped. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TALK ABOUT DABI!! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT!!" I screamed, and everyone grew quiet, good that'll fucking teach them.

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