S/F| New Recruit

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Maturity: Slight Smut
Warnings: Flirting, Touching, Ect.
Story: Short

(Dabi POV)

     I sat at the bar drinking my usual strong beverage, members chatted in the distance as a door clicked open. I turned over to see my lover half asleep in my ragged hoodie making his way to sit next to me. He asked for water which wasn't all that unusual since he just woke up, "Morning baby~" I cooed placing down my drink. He mumbled a 'morning' before we heard a knock at the door, I got up slowly and opened the wooden gate. A girl with split dyed black hair and hot pink wearing a super short yellow checkered skirt with a matching top that showed way to much of her chest. She wore a excessive amount of makeup that popped in your face.

     I groaned quietly before she opened her damn mouth, "Hey hot stuff~ wanna show me around the lair?~ maybe to your room~" she began, propping her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes before walking back to the living area, Shigaraki walked up to me before plopping his head onto my chest. My smile dropped into an annoyed look as the girl began to speak once more, "Excuse me, who are you to put your hands on my boyfriend?" She swung her hands back on her hips, I heard a low chuckle from the man I grew to love unconditionally. "Listen bitch I don't know who you think you are calling my boyfriend yours but you can back the fuck off!" he shouted loudly, looking directly at her.

     "Oh shut up twerp, you got a ugly looking hand on your face, you think that looks cool? It surly don't" she said starting to laugh, "I personally know the boss so I'll have you know I can cut you off the team anytime!" she finished. We both chuckled at her stern yet serious tone and demeanor while the members 'ooed' and 'awed' in the background while also laughing. "What's the boss's name then?" Shigaraki asked with a smirk, she turned a bit pale and began to stutter, "U-Uh it's.." she looked around some, "Shigaraki everyone knows that!" She said acting like she won something. "And if I recall he didn't have a boyfriend!" She yelled earning a loud growl from Shigaraki.

     He walked over to her, taking off his 'father' with a glare, everyone knew that glare, the one where you know you fucked up. A faint blush lit her cheeks as her eyes widened slightly, "Litsen bitch, next time you come into my lair and act like you run the place don't expect to make it out in one piece! I run this bitch, you fucking don't!" He gripped her shirt collar or what little one she had and practically threw her down. She seemed stuck on what to say next, "W-Well I-I uh-.." she stuttered. "This bitch is mine so I suggest you either back the fuck or leave" he spoke deeply.

      She nodded before quickly getting up and dusting off her outfit, Shigaraki walked over to me, placing 'father' down on the bar counter. He looked up at me before snuggling into my chest and biting me harshly, I winced slightly but smirked quickly after. He simply smiled innocently like he hadn't done anything prior, I leaned down and squeezed his ass causing a surprised moan from him. He immediately covered his mouth before glaring at me, I simply chuckled.

I leaned down and smashed my lips onto his, devouring every inch. My tongue danced along his, I bit harshly at his bottom lip causing a moan. He pulled apart to catch his breath, his flushed face was so fucking hot. I smirked, "I love you" I said lovingly, "I..love you to" he said with a smile. "Can you stop being so gross?" the annoying bitch asked, everyone ignored her of course. I cuddled close to my lover before giving a peak on his forehead, "Let's get away from her" I said, "Please" he spoke before we walked away hand in hand.

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