S| My Alpha~

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Requested By @Hooded_Vintage


(Dabi POV)

I walked outside the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. I just finished a shower not long before.

"Babe? Back already?" I asked my mate who sat on the bed with a flushed face. "Babe?" I repeated once more.

"Huh-? O-Oh uhm..yeah got back a few minutes ago" he spoke with a sheepish smile. "Awe are you flustered~?"

He nodded slightly before opening his mouth, "Are..you going to get dressed?..", "Don't know~ Maybe I'll go naked just to tease you~"

He glared before getting up with a huff. "Stop teasing or I'll leave you for your rut!" He threatened.

I chuckled some before making my way to get dressed. I ruffled my mates hair before going to the bar in order to grab a few drinks to take back with me for tomorrow.

Once I grabbed everything I'll need for tomorrow when I go into rut I laid down on my bed and cuddled my mate until the sun set.


I awoke in a hot flash, sweat dripping of my body as I rutted my hips against my mates lower behind. He grunted in his sleep before turning over.

"Babe.." I grunted out, he whined before peaking my lips.

"Shh~ I'll help you okay?" I nodded.

He sat me on my back before climbing on my groin. He rolled his hips causing me to moan.

"Babe stop teasing me.." He nodded before taking off my pants and boxers. I growled before flipping us over, he gasped at the sudden movement.

I bit at any piece of skin I could find, leaving hickies anywhere and everywhere. I sucked harshly on the mark I made on my mate years ago. Turning it a deep red.

I loved watching him squirm underneath me, this enough was putting at my edge.

I quickly undressed us both, I growled at the scent of silk being produced. I nipped my teeth at the rim of my mates muscles at his entrance.

I had to fight my instincts in order to not hurt him.

My wolf put up a fight but I won once it realized what I was doing was extremely necessary.

I slowly entered my mate, waiting some before moving. It wasn't long before my wolf took over, I stayed behind in my mind just incase I needed to fight to gain control once more.

But I knew my wolf would never hurt our mate.

Shigaraki was squirming underneath me, yelling my name and to go faster. He was shaking uncontrollably at the pleasure he was receiving.

I reopened the mating mark as I felt myself nearing my end.

A few more hard thrusts and I came along with my mate, my knot locking us together.

"You okay?" I asked while my wolf gave back control.

He nodded, his chest falling slower as time went on. "I'm..okay-y.."

I pecked his lips and pulled out once my knot let loose.

We laid under the covers just enjoying each other's company. This week is gonna be extremely long. I'm extremely blessed to have a mate who doesn't mind helping me when these weeks come and go.


Thanks for reading, yes I know it's short but I wanted to get something out.

I'm still working on other request but if you have anymore then feel free to leave them.

Please vote if you enjoyed as well. Love to see you enjoying this Oneshots! <3

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