F/S| "You're a..girl?"

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This was requested by @CattyAddi </3

This will be straight sex so sorry if it's bad, I'm better with gay sex 💀 (Ps this is trans shiggy)



(Shigaraki POV)

I messily ruffled my hair out of my face, some strands were coated in blood from a huge wound I had on my forehead along with other scrapes. I sighed intently as I felt my body ache indicating my adrenaline rush was over.

Truth is we wasn't expecting to fight some bratty UA kids along with a few pro heroes. In fact we only wanted to go somewhere on our off day to enjoy ourselves.

We was going to go to a small patch in the woods with a large pound leading to a river to swim but got caught unexpectedly. The team was wore out from weeks of not fighting. I heard Toga complaining in the background to Twice, Kurogiri shook his head at the whining.

Finally after a long walk we each made our way to our destination, our beds. I flopped down tiredly but groaned once I remembered I still need to wash up. I'm coated in both mine and other kids blood.

I forced myself up and into my shower, the hot water felt extremely good on my tense muscles. I took longer than intended but I made it out of the shower nonetheless. I dried myself off with a nearby towel before getting dressed.

Putting on a bra and some red lace panties along with some booty shorts and a oversized lose hoodie that went to my knees. I made sure that you couldn't see either my boobs or lower regions, my toned body helped hide the fact that underneath these layers I was actually really feminine.

Surprisingly my secret was safe from the members, although Toga was super suspicious. I walked over to my bed before I heard my door open, their stood Dabi with his freshly showered body. God did he look hot after showers.

"Hey baby" I said trying to lower my tone from girly to 'normal'. "Hey babe, do you know where my hoodie went?" He asked scanning me with a slight smirk. "No..." I slurred out, he only laughed. "You can wear it but I do need a shirt, I'm sorta had naked."

I flushed slightly before I threw a shirt at him, he grabbed it before we both settled in the bed. He grabbed the tv remote and turned on a cheesy romance, we both loved making fun of them. A scene came on where the girl in the relationship confessed to being trans.

This made me think, if the fake boy in the tv can accept it without hesitation can Dabi? Why did I ever agree to date if I wasn't truthful.. "Babe..uh..", he turned to face me. "Yeah? What's wrong?" This really made me regret keeping this..

"For say..idk your lover wasn't actually a male..would you be mad?" I asked with my eyes clenched shut. I heard a small chuckle causing my eyes to jerk open towards him. "What's so funny?", "I'd never discriminate, besides I'm bisexual."

Right..I forgot. I let out a breath, "So..uh..I'm not a male.." I spoke lowering my voice. "That's alright, I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me." Hearing this made me smile, what did I do to deserve this?

"You sure your alright with it?", "Of course but like any other person I have some questions." I rose a eyebrow, "Like what?" I asked, "Well for instance, what's your real name?." "That's something you have to work for~", "Oh~ Really now?~"

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