S| "Skirts really do suit you.."

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{This is a smut so just expect it to be kinky :) }

(Shigaraki POV)

I was currently waiting on Dabi to finish helping Toga, Twice and Kurogiri on a small mission. Some UA kids unexpectedly showed and started a fight while they was on their way home so I was currently alone in the lair. I sighed to myself frustrated.

I grabbed my phone as it vibrated hoping it was from my boyfriend which it wasn't. It was simply just an update on some app about someone posting. I really could give two fucks at the moment.

Not long after I put my phone down I remembered the bet I lost from Toga. I growled, the consequence from losing was that I had to cross dress. Toga even picked out an outfit she thought I'd both be comfortable in and like.

I'm not sure about liking it but I made my way to her room regardless. I opened her door and peaked around till I saw it laid on her bed. It was a full black outfit hair looked incredibly emo. I might actually enjoy this. (Pic Above)

I found it sorta cute, definitely not what I usually wear but I put it on nonetheless. I messed with my hair a bit while posing in a few poses. I smiled slightly at myself, I looked really good. I headed back to my room that me and Dabi shared most of the time and cleaned up sense it was sorta messy.

The bed was finally done along with everything else so now I had nothing to do. I decide I'd just put on a random movie and watch it until I heard the members walk through the door. A few hours have passed when I suddenly heard the all to familiar voices. I quickly turned off the tv and sat on my knees in a slight provocative pose. I'm gonna at least have fun with this.

I smiled before hearing my boyfriend ask were I was, I yelled responding with, "I'm in the room!" I yelled before hurriedly fixing my outfit and hair frantically until I deemed it was good enough. I heard footsteps grow matching my heart beat. The door opened slightly before showing off the man I grew to love unexpectedly.

"Shigs.." he stood there speechless so I figured I'd try to break the silence. "I missed you, you've been gone for hours.." I said softly while smiling innocently. He grew closer before smirking, "Lay down" he demanded, I obliged quickly. "What's this..huh?" he whispered lowly into my ear before nipping it slightly. A low moan left my mouth.

He ran his hands under the skirt before rubbing slightly on the outside of my underwear. My back slightly arched with a few moans, "D-Dabi.." I pleaded with my eyes, "What is it baby? Tell me what you want~." I was already at the point of breaking so I figured to hell with it.

"B-Break me~.." before I could finished he took of my shirt and attacked my neck, biting and licking whatever skin he could find. I moaned louder at this action, my neck was always my weak spot.

I went to run my hands through his hair but he pulled away, I gave him a confused look before he hushed me before quickly giving me a peck. He grabbed a white ribbon and tired my hands to the headboard, god why is he such a tease?

He went slowly while exploring my body, I grew impatient and started to beg. "Please! Give it to me!" I yelled, "Give what to you..Hm?" he asked lowly. "G-Give me your dick please~!" and to my surprise he gave in instantly.

He pushed up my skirt slightly enough to expose my boxers, he quickly threw them off before ditching them along with his clothes somewhere in the room. "W-What about the sk-kirt?" I stuttered out, "I think I'll just fuck you with it on~" I moaned at that.

He grabbed a pack of lube and rubbed his length until it was covered, he spread my legs before aligning himself to my entrance. He looked up at me before giving me a low smirk, he slammed in causing me to scream. He didn't bother to let me adjust, he thrusted quickly while steadily holding my hips.

He reached one hand to choke my throat, loud moans and pleads escapes my mouth. "Dabi!!!" I screamed, he grunted with a chuckle before continuing even faster. I couldn't handle his pace, I was already so close, my dick leaking with precum.

He noticed I grew closer with how loud I grew, "Fuck your so good baby boy, you're made for my dick huh?" He grunted out while his thrust became sloppy. "Fuck yes!! Just for you!!", he picked up his pace, desperately trying to catch his release.

Finally after a few more quick thrust I came loudly, Dabi following along shortly after. He sat there for a few seconds before he untied me and walked off to the bathroom. He returned with a wet rag and cleaned me off.

Once we both was clean we got dressed into some casual cloths, well he dressed me sense I could barely move. Once we were finished we laid down under the covers, my head rested on top of his bare chest while he played with my hair, mixing the long strands.

I made it apparent to wear more feminine clothing if this is the reaction I'll receive. Regardless though, we're both happy without having to change our night routine, not that we won't of course. But for now let's just stick to skirts.

One Shot Over!

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