S| My first time..

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Requested by: @Eleonorana_Malfoy
Sheet A 10: First Time
Sheet B 28: "Are you sure that's going to fit?"

(Shigaraki POV)

These weeks seemed to pass quite slowly, the UA hasn't made a move in months. We took this as a chance to breathe and relax, Toga and Twice seemed to grow closer over these weeks, and Spinner and Compress were training to see if they could surpass their old limits.

Kurogiri finally took a rest he well deserved, he's been in his room resting and taking care of himself. So overall everyone is doing well, me and Dabi even grew closer. We started dating a few months back and now we're closer than ever.

We shared each other's deepest secrets, I finally found someone I was able to be sensitive around. It made me realize how much I missed having someone care for me.

Currently, Dabi and I are lying on a patch of grass covered in different colored flowers. The pink, blue, and even blue flowers mixed beautifully on the hill where we laid. The sun loudly behind some clouds, I smiled realizing how much I love this.

Dabi was always there putting himself out there in the relationship which made me feel guilty. He always reassured me that I was doing more than enough but I couldn't help but still feel I wasn't.

"Babe" I heard an all too familiar voice speak, I hummed in response. "Ready to head back?" Dabi asked, I opened my eyes and turned over to rest my head on his chest, "Yeah."

He helped me up before gathering the few blankets we took to lay on. I tried to help but he only shushed me and continued to carry them. We made it back to the base easily, he put the clothes in the washroom before picking me up and carrying me to our bedroom. Well, it was my room but we share our beds so it didn't matter.

I laughed softly once he dropped me on the bed before flipping next to me. "God I love you", "I love you too, in fact..uhm.." He turned over with a raised brow. I've been planning this day for more than a few weeks now but I'm still so scared to say anything.

"What's wrong hun?", "Imreadytohavesex!" I yelled quickly. I shut my eyes tightly in embarrassment, it seemed to take him a second before he understood what I meant. "Baby..you sure?", I opened my eyes only to nod slightly.

He kissed my forehead sweetly before pecking my lips. He continued to do so until I got over myself and kissed back. The kiss was sweet and full of love, and I couldn't help but smile. I rose my hands to clench around the cloth of his shirt, his hands roamed up my naked torso under my baggy shirt.

He gently pushed me onto my back, stopping the kiss to make sure I had enough pillows under my head and back. "Are you comfortable?", I nodded, "Are you sure? I can add some more if not or we can do a different position-" , I cut him off with a kiss.

"It's perfect love okay? You know I'd let you know if it wasn't." That seemed to be enough reassurance because he simply nodded before continuing. He gave soft to firm love bites and kissed down my neck to my abdomen.

He rose my shirt until it was completely off and lay messily on the floor. He unbuckled my jeans but stopped to make sure I was completely sure and still wanted this. I nodded with a smile.

He gently pulled off my pants and threw them onto my discarded shirt. He gently kissed between my thighs, my breathing picked up. Not because I was uncomfortable but because I was slightly embarrassed to be the only half-naked one but not only that. It just fully clicked that it's actually happening.

He pulled down my boxers before tugging off his clothing. Once he reached his boxer my eyes immediately widened, "Are you sure that's going to fit?" He chuckled lowly at my question before answering. "Oh it'll fit alright~."

He went back to what he was doing before, kissing all over my body while unexpectedly adding his finger into my hole. I jerked harshly, he didn't had it completely in and it was already hurting!

"Shh~ Focus on me, focus on the pleasure of it" and believe me I tired to but it just hurt so bad! After what seemed like forever I was finally able to take his fingers without to much pain, in fact I couldn't help but moan a little each time he scissored me open.

I found myself pushing onto his fingers, "More.." I groaned out, he chuckled a little, "Baby I'd love to give you more but I have to make sure your stretched otherwise it'll hurt way more okay?."

I glared some before cursing under my breath. I knew he was right but my god did it feel good. After a little bit he finally took out his fingers and grabbed something out of drawer, he ripped open the condom and poured some lube onto his dick after he stroked himself a few times before covering it with the condom.

"This is going to hurt okay? Grab my shoulders, do whatever you have to do in order to get through the first bit okay?", I nodded. He slowly pushed in, I bolted, was it supposed to feel this bad?!

I felt like I was being ripped in half! Tears pricked my eyes, someone even fell. I stopped breathing and dug my nails into his back and shoulders as he continued. He grunted a few times before he bottomed out. "Breath baby, you've made it through the first part."

I let out shaking breaths and closed my eyes to focus on my breathing. I finally relaxed after some time, Dabi ran his fingers through my hair, something he's always done to ease me.

"Move" I spoke out, he nodded before moving slowly. He grabbed my hips to keep himself steady, I could tell it took everything in him not to just pound into me. His grunts followed by low moans were like music to my ears, I'm glad I was making him feel good as well.

Once he picked up his thrust he grew harsher each time. It didn't hurt anymore which was a plus but my god was I in heaven. The harsher he went the louder I got, I didn't even notice I was digging my nails into his back still.

He placed his hand over my dick and jerked me off to match his quick thrusts. That enough was about to send me over the edge. "I-I'm cl-lose!" I moaned out, "Me t-to" he grunted.

He thrusted violently into me, he hit a bundle of nerves in me that send my back arching violently. "AH!", "Found it.." I came after a few more thrust and a flick of his hand around my dick. But he didn't stop, no in fact he went even faster.

He came with a loud moan, rolling his hips some before going again. I jolted at the sensitivity, I squirmed around underneath, so much so he had to grip even harder on my hips. He continued his violent past until I found myself coming over and over.

In the past 20 minutes I came more than 4 times, Dabi on the other hand only came 2 times. I was a crying mess, "S-Sto-op! N-n-ah! No m-more!" I begged, but he didn't listen. He didn't stop his violent pace until I came once again. He followed shortly after me, we both laid their quietly as we caught our breath.

"You okay?" He asked, "Y-Yeah..thank you". He smiled and kissed my forehead, "Of course hun, anytime. I'm going to pull out now okay? This might hurt." I nodded and he wasn't lying, it did hurt some.

I missed the feeling of him filling me deep. Dabi cleaned me off and the messy bed before dressing us both and laying back in bed. We cuddled close, "I love you Dabi", "I love you Shiggy". I really can't wait until we do this again.

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