S | Alone

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Shigaraki moans bucking his hips into the mattress below feeling the urge to grind down into the sheets, just to release the pain in his member. He feels a hand slap against his left ass cheek for moving when told not to. This action only makes Shigaraki moan more, his hair more of a mess with his face rosy pink from this nights actions.

"Dabi-oh god!" Shigaraki moans into the pillow, trying and failing to keep any sounds that escape his muffled mouth. Shigaraki is stuck between pushing back on Dabi's face and from grinding into the bed.

Dabi nips his teeth at the rim of Shigaraki's entrance, the blue haired boy bucking his hips back against Dabi's face. Shigaraki is a moaning mess when he feels Dabi's tongue poke through the rim of the muscle.

"D-Dabi please," Shigaraki whines at the back of this throat. Dabi pulls away and walks out of the room. Shigaraki whines at the lost of contact. He starts grinding against the bed needing any sort of friction. Dabi walks in with a bottle of lube. He sees what Shigaraki is doing and slaps his ass.

"Did I say you can move?" Dabi asks.

"N-No..I'm sorry Dabi," he whines into the pillow, Dabi leans over the pillow and whispers, "Oh your going to be," Dabi slaps Shigaraki's ass again.

        "Are you going to be a good boy for me?" Dabi asks as he lubes up 3 of fingers.

        "Yes Dabi I am" Shigaraki says as he wiggles his ass a bit so Dabi will speed up.

      "So needy" Dabi chuckled as he lightly runs his fingers from Shigaraki's shoulder blades to his ass causing the other to subconsciously shiver at his touch. Dabi massages Shigaraki's hole and lowly pushes a finger in, stretching him out. Shigaraki bucks his hips back and fourth.

     "Don't move," Dabi commands as he slaps the others ass again. He begins pumping his finger in and out of Shigaraki. Shigaraki let's out a load pitch moan as Dabi brushed against his prostate. "Dabi more please," Shigaraki practically begs. Dabi listens and adds another finger in and out of  the other painfully slow. Dabi pushes deeper around before scissoring him. He hits Shigaraki's prostate and earns a loud moan.

      "Do that again please," Shigaraki demands. Dabi pulls his fingers out and grabs the lube, Dabi is a complete mess. Dabi rubs some lube on his hard on, after he puts on a even coat he lines himself up with Shigaraki's ass. Shigaraki grips the sheets preparing for the mix of pain and pleasure. The pressure is intense as Dabi's large head enters Shigaraki's slightly stretched hole.

       Once Shigaraki adjusted Dabi pushed deeper. Dabi let's put a low groan at how tight the other is. He didn't bother to let Shigaraki adjust anymore, instead he just kept thrusting until he kept hitting the others special spot. Dabi moans loudly as he feels Shigaraki clenching around him. Shigaraki is holding onto the sheets so tight his knuckles are slowly turning white.

      "Of fuck, please more," Shigaraki cried out. Dabi pulls straight out then slams right back in. He did this until he hit the special spot again.

      "Fuck me harder please," Shigaraki begs and this time Dabi listens. Dabi pushes into the other as deep and fast as he could. Shigaraki could feel himself about to cum but willed not to so Dabi wouldn't be mad about him coming to early. Shigaraki's body trembling as the pleasure increases, creeping up on him.

      "Cum for me baby boy," Dabi moans into the others ear. Shigaraki moans in response, cumming all over the sheets a second later.

       "Oh, ugh," Dabi slows his thrust so he doesn't cum yet. Dabi pulls himself out of Shigaraki and started to rub himself.

     "Finish me off," Dabi commands. Shigaraki moves around and faces Dabi. Shigaraki jerks Dabi off before kitten licking his tip. Shigaraki looks up at Dabi with innocent eyes as he sucks on his tip.

     "Don't look at me like that," Dabi groans. Shigaraki keeps eye contact as he deep throats the other. Bobbing his head, wanting all of Dabi. Dabi tangles his hand in Shigaraki's blue locks, slightly tugging. He thrust in and out of Shigaraki's mouth, Shigaraki hollows his cheeks and that's it for Dabi.

       "Oh my god baby boy," Dabi moans as his head falls back in pleasure.

      "Ugh, jeez Shig's," Dabi cums into Shigaraki's mouth, Shigaraki swallowed every last drop. Licking his lips after before giving a innocent smile at Dabi.

Oml- I tried so hard for this one, I really wanna do better so I've taken my time to brain storm on future ideas and present ones. I really hope you like this story!! It's literally almost 3am for me, why am I like this?😭

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